Supernatural: The Devil in the Details. So where’s Adam again?

Lucifer came back! We finally get to see him and Sam together again and they still ignore the third brother. But first let’s recap.

Crowley in PJ’s

We start this episode out with a weird dream sequence where whoever was shopping for Crowley bought his present at Game Stop evidently. I could practically hear all the Dean/Crowley shippers groan when he got a Sam doll not a Dean doll. However it was cute to see this scene and then awesome to see Lucifer team up with Rowena. Not that I like Rowena, but Lucifer an awesome bad guy to have around.

Meanwhile back in Hell

Sam and Lucifer have been hanging out since before Christmas (OK I know is Supernatural time it’s not been that long, but you know what I mean). One of the biggest questions I had at that episode is still unanswered though. Lucifer is in the cage. . .alone?

Anyway Lucifer taunts Sam. Sam fights back. Lucifer tries to get Sam to hate his family. Then cue flashbacks.

Also cue a pull at the feels.

Lucifer points out every crappy plot device ever.

On their wild trip through Sam’s memory we get to see a short memory of Sam looking cool kid to some girl. Then they make out. Somehow this shows how Sam used to make up his own mind.

Then switch to a flashback of the cemetery scene when Sam goes to Hell and takes Adam/Michael with him. AKA the best episode ever.

Lucifer also takes him to see his mistake with Amelia. I don’t agree with what Lucifer says about being indecisive, but  I agree Amelia was a horrible boring character and this storyline didn’t make  sense at all while watching it and doesn’t make any more sense the second time around. Yes I think Sam feels guilty for not looking for Dean, but I blame Amelia on the writers not on Sam.

Crowley and Rowena

Crowley has realized what Rowena did and is threatening her again. I miss my BA King of Hell that so would have killed her forever ago or at least tortured her a bunch. Rowena professes her love and adoration for Lucifer and explains how great everything will be when he’s out. I’m so happy Crowley pointed out that she’s still falling for some line from a guy. Which we find out later is what happened when she had Crowley too.

The Adventures of Dean and Cas

After the best voicemail messages ever Dean and Castiel are pulled over on the side of the road while Dean pukes. Evidently smiting makes people sick so he can’t go check out the site where they tried to kill The Darkness so Dean leaves and Cas goes it alone. (Which is a good idea right?)

Cas goes and searches the area and finds hipster millennial angel that I for a while suspected was a bad guy, but turns out she was just an idiot. Meanwhile Dean goes to Hell and has to sing Camptown Races for some reason to get in.

However he doesn’t do it as well as the guys on Blazing Saddles:

If you’re unaware of what Blazing Saddles is– I’m sorry and I pity you.

Dean gets a witch catcher from the Reaper Billie who has it out for the boys and takes the stairs. I wish that Dean had had a few sick moments going down as well. After all he spent years in Hell and it’s not really a good memory for him.

Crowley takes the witch catcher from Dean, is overheard by Rowena, but Crowley had a backup, or original plan–whatever–and she is drugged and is easily captured.

Cas finally finds Amara and she makes it obvious he’s no match for her and she sends him to Hell to deliver a message. (I do wonder did he do what she wanted or did he do what he did in defiance of her?) She does have a weird almost fainting spell after she sends him off though so maybe her eating the hipster angel hurt her.

Avengers Assemble

Lucifer is still trying to convince Sam (and I don’t want to believe that Gabriel is dead no matter what Lucifer says). What I don’t think Lucifer sees though is that Sam had hope that God was helping and finding out that that was Lucifer all the time I feel like has squashed all hope from Sam. If God isn’t going to help he’s only going to trust Dean and Dean wouldn’t ever want him to say Yes to Satan. (Love the move to L.A. and solve crimes comment though from Lucifer).

For once Sam realized that making a choice to work with a super bad guy will only end badly (too bad Cas didn’t get that memo).

Lucifer begins to hurt Sam so in runs Cas and and Dean and they get sucked in too–so that Lucifer can start hurting them too.  Great ideas all around.

While Dean is checking on Sam and letting him know they just need to hold on for a few minutes Cas is over in the corner making stupid decisions, but to everyone else it looks like Rowena succeeds and Lucifer is gone.

Dean I actually did the right thing for once.

They leave Hell, slightly worried about the odd acting Cas (which of course when is he not odd?). Crowley and Rowena have a creepy love/hate conversation which Cas interrupts to tell everyone SURPRISE! He’s really Lucifer. My question for this is– if other angels could hold Lucifer why didn’t they do that the last go round? Or will Cas burn up like the last vessel?

Thankfully Rowena gets her neck snapped and appears to be dead– which looks a little too easy, but hopefully is true and then Cas/Lucifer sits down to have a talk with Crowley.

Cas lucifer.gif

Will Lucifer/Cas really be able to defeat Amara? Is she already hurt? Will Dean have to die to allow Amara to die? How amazing will Misha Collins be as yet another person in the same body? Will Mark Pellegrino show back up? Cause I really love him as Lucifer– it’d be nice if we saw him and Cas fighting each other– in Cas’s head. Or does Cas even have a head now? Is he gone or is he still in his body too?

Most importantly– will anyone remember that they still have a brother locked up in the cage with now just Michael? Might as well let him out now too.

Top 5 Most Important Scenes in Supernatural “Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire”

Hello all again! Last time we talked Sam and Dean had unleashed “The Darkness” on the world so that they could save Dean. Totes a great idea. I mean anything named “The Darkness” seems like it’ll be fun. This whole episode was one big mess of action which I feel like means that Season 11 isn’t going to be the jumbled mess that most of season 8 and 9 were. At least I really hope so.

Castiel’s Torture Problem

Cas is super confused right now and seems to be looking for help in all the wrong places. Really he’s the only Angel left that I have any patience for (well except Gabriel, but it’s been too long since he’s been a player to count). So he’s been carried off by the bad Angels (true they do have a reason to hate him and want him dead, but still) to be tortured and killed and has called Sam and Dean to say goodbye. I’m 100% not sure where they’re going with this. Is it time for Cas to get killed off? I hope not, but I can see how that would make sense. I just really hope that they don’t drag out the Angel storyline for much longer. Give them Heaven and all the power back and lets move on.

Crowley’s Unstable Leadership

Crowley has lost his regular body (well he did for a little bit) and gets to be a woman for a bit. I found this amusing and enjoyable, but I was glad that he went back to his regular appearance. Mark Shepherd is just too great to go away like that. Crowley finally calls in help so that he can get back to Hell, but he’s lost even more of his control over his demons. What got me super excited was talk of Lucifer and Michael in the cage. Will their brother finally be saved? I’d love to see that story line addressed again though. It’s been glossed over for way too long.

The Zombie Like Infection

The Darkness seems to have unleashed a disease that is infecting innocent people and the infection looks amazingly like the Leviathan black goo that infected people a few seasons ago. They also act like the Kroatoans from a long time ago. So I’m a little disappointed that this new evil looks so much like the past ones, but I’m not going to be super judge-y right now and try to see how it plays out.

Sam’s Darkness Problem

Sam managed to let the zombie/Leviathan/Kroatoan creature bleed all in his mouth (really Sam– you’ve avoided Vampire blood this whole time, but not this chick?) Of course he’s keeping all this a secret from Dean cause that’s worked out sooo well in the past. Everyone else seems to Hulk out after a few hours though and Sam seems to have made it to the limit by the end of the episode. Will his Kroatoan immunity help him out? Will his connection to Dean help (since he obviously has a connection to the source of this issue)? I’m relieved it looks like this will be resolved pretty quickly though since the infection seems to come to a head quickly.

 We’re bound, Dean. We’ll always be bound. You helped me, I helped you. No matter where I am, who I am, we will always help each other.

11x01 | Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire

Dean’s New Girlfriend/Kid

So Dean evidently got to meet “The Darkness” right up front and of course she was a hot woman that flirted with him. What I didn’t expect was that she turns out to be the baby that they’ve sworn to protect. Which makes the flirting super creepy. I do find this interesting because even though they’ve dealt with bad guy little kids before they’ve never actually killed said kids. They’ve all conveniently possessed an older person for the death scene. So will the baby grow crazy Twilight like fast? Will Dean be able to kill it at all? Will killing it or locking it away put the Mark back on Dean?

Yeah I’ve got no clue here, but at least it’s a twist to the Leviathan like plot of an ancient evil unleashed upon the world. And I don’t think we have seen them solve a problem like this before.

Yes I’m angry that Sam’s still keeping secrets and Dean is with his connection with The Darkness. But I am happy that they seem to be trying to think outside the box to change this cycle of bad decisions. They might not be doing it right, but they are at least trying-ish.

Supernatural: Angel Heart. Wait– there are even worse Angels?

This week we took a break from the search for the cure and were introduced to an even bigger scum bag of an Angel then we have seen previously. Well except for Metatron. This was a good solid episode where the boys aren’t just out killing everything in sight. They actually had to work through a case, do research and help an innocent.

Here are a few questions I have though:

Why can’t Cas find Claire?

I’ve never understood all the ins and outs of the angels falling. Cas can now heal people and has his Grace back soooo what else does that grant him? Does getting your Grace back just mean now that you’re a healer and that’s it? When the Angels were looking for Sam and Dean during the apocalypse they could find them through prophets and dreams. Why can’t they use Cas to help locate Claire?  I can buy that Claire’s mom Amelia (they really love that name don’t they) is somehow hidden because Angels and magic and stuff. Also did the fall of Heaven affect this rouge douchbag angel at all?

Why is everyone freaking out about Dean?

Ummmm I don’t think Dean beat that dude up because of the Mark. I’m pretty sure he would have done all that Mark or no Mark. The guy was a piece of crap that hurt a little girl. I’m pretty sure that’s a good enough reason in Sam or Dean’s book. Everyone keeps bringing up how out of control Dean is getting, but really since he went crazy and killed all those people the last time they saved Claire I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary. Dean’s always been the one to shoot first and ask questions later.

I see nothing wrong with this.

I’m glad that Claire got to see the boys when they weren’t just killing people.

Yep Claire– pretty much everyone you meet in this world has a horrible back story too.

OK I know this isn’t a question about plot, but I’m glad that Claire got to see the boys and Cas in a different light. They aren’t always massacring huge groups of people or heavenly beings. Sam got to help Claire learn how to live out on her own and Dean helped her have a little fun in a scary and stressful time. The addition of Claire to Jody Mill’s household also makes me really hope there will be a spin off in that direction.

Is it just me or did Claire look proud when Dean told her Jimmy was a hero?

For all her hatred of Castiel I think she keeps coming back to him (even if she acts like she doesn’t want to) because she loved her father. So now she has confirmation that he really was the great man she remembers and not some jackass that left her and her mother for no reason. He did it to save not only her, but the world.

It was nice to see them show off their ability to survive– not just come in a slaughter.

Sam got knocked out– it looked bad for him, but we got to see him figure it out. He got out of a really bad situation and still helped save the day. And Dean figured out the guys needed help and instead of just rushing in to help he found out what he was facing and went in informed. Once again– I think Dean is doing great. Better now even than pre Mark of Cain.

Is there a reason Claire killed the angel and not Dean?

I know he’s trying to not hulk out, but would it have done something to the Mark if he’d killed an Angel? He’s killed them before– preMark, but I wondered if there was a reason Claire had the honors here. Or maybe it just gave her an opportunity to strike back against a group that tore apart her family. Metatron really wanted to make Dean kill him though so that leads me to believe that if Dean kills an Angel even if that angel is a total tool it will do something irreparable to Dean.

Is Amelia’s fake heaven that much different then her real one?

Did anyone else think it was super creepy that her fake heaven and her real heaven were so much alike? Is there something fundamentally messed up about Heaven too?  Or was that just her desires were finally real? I know one thing though– Misha killed it.

I’m sure that’s not the last we’ve seen of Claire or her stolen Angel Sword, and I will just be over here holding out hope for that Jody Mills spinoff.

Supernatural: Inside Man. The Return of My Blog! Ummm I Mean the Return of Bobby!

I’ve fallen behind and look like a slacker. I have perfectly good reasons that I missed two weeks, but in an effort to not be a Debbie Downer I will skip the excuses and go right to talking about some Supernatural.

Let me just start out that I’m so excited that “The Gambler” is now in the Supernatural soundtrack. It’s totally something that Bobby would be jamming out to in Heaven. It’s been a nice vacation for Bobby, but I wonder if he’ll be happy hanging out in Heaven now that he’s gotten back in the game. And now knows where his escape hatch is. BTW where is his wife?  Are you telling me Bobby is sitting around reading Tori and Dean, drinking whiskey and his wife is not hanging out with him baking pies?

We also get to see a BA Sam running around trying to protect Dean who turns out to be having some kind of Mark induced nightmare about killing Sam. Which was just pitiful to watch. Of course that just firms up Sam’s resolve to go through with his latest plan to get rid of the Mark. Let me mention once again that they just need a witch to make Dean as old as he was the day before he took the Mark and they’d be set. But, evidently I’m the only one that’s thought of that solution. Sam is now working an angle that will involve Metatron (cause that’s always a good idea).

Sam’s excuse to get away from Dean seemed a little transparent to me and I’m assuming Dean knew that he was up to something. He knows Sam hasn’t given up yet. Although a mime that thinks he’s a cockroach totally sounds like a French movie. Sam gets Cas reluctantly on board with the Metatron idea and they go to try to get him out for the day.

Crowley is still having an odd relationship with his mother (who is for some odd reason painting satanic symbols on her body– that’s always a good sign). I truly don’t understand that relationship. And seriously– Rowena would not date a Trent from Biggersons– she’s way more high maintenance then that.

We see Dean setting up pranks for Sam’s return and Castiel somehow flirting with Hannah– while she’s inside a rather hairy dude. Hannah shoots them down though and they work out a plan to break Metatron out of Heaven. This idea is getting more and more messed up.

Yeah– no sadness in those eyes

We next see Rowena and head switch board demon interact (which was kindly brought to us by Microsoft– in a fashion that made us seriously aware of it) and Rowena is trying to track down the Bunker. She manages to narrow it down to a small area and is going after Dean.

Dean quickly becomes bored with hanging out alone at the Bunker so does the obvious thing and goes out drinking. Cause Dean. Which quickly leads to him hustling pool. Cause Dean. This whole interaction was one of my favorite parts of the episode- Dean wise- because we see him doing what he knows how to do and has always done when they didn’t have a case. Yes Dean takes advantage of some bratty college kids, but they were definitely willing to take advantage of him so it all evens out. Deans sly smile right before he killed them in pool– it was priceless.

Back to Sam and Cas they have tracked down a psychic to help communicate with Bobby in an effort to break Metatron out of Heaven. This is a pretty smart move for a dude that can’t figure out the whole witch curse thing.  As expected he’s been living in seclusion to avoid listening to everyone’s thoughts (evidently he hadn’t read the Twilight series–I’m probably totally kidding). One of the best lines of the night:

Really the whole interaction with the mind reader was great. It allowed Sam to be intimidating without actually having to threaten. Plus the mind reader called Metatron a Hobbit– which is a pretty accurate description. You know he has hair on his toes that will never fall out.

So now we have Sam and Cas talking to Bobby explaining the situation while Rowena has tracked down Dean and turned the college kids on him with a spell.  Dean shows once again that he’s in control of the Mark. I get that Sam is seeing Dean while he’s asleep and vulnerable and it’s freaking him out, but I don’t think he’s giving him enough credit for not killing everything/one that attacks him. I’m impressed he didn’t kill those college boys– although a pool ball to the head probably isn’t going to help that one kid’s GPA. Dean is trying to hold onto control and yeah he’s losing it some (his black eyes in the mirror), but he’s holding on to it even more than I could have expected.

Bobby is now up to speed with everything and is up to doing whatever he can to help Sam and Cas get Metatron out. Which still seems like such a horrible idea up to this point.This small glimpse at Bobby makes me miss him even more though and I hope they keep him around. Surely he could help fix the Angel situation from the inside. Think about it, Bobby and all the other hunters could find a way to fix this situation if the angel’s would bring them in on it.

Back to Dean and Rowena– after Dean subdues all the guys Rowena casts a spell at Dean that should have killed him, but of course the Mark protects him and shocks Rowena in the process. It was very reminiscent of when Sam was attacked by Lilith.

Who’s with me that Katie Cassidy looked better as a demon than as the Black Canary?

Rowena then proceeds to cut herself up and try to blame it on Dean. Crowley then made me sooo happy. He finally decided to not buy what his mom was trying to sell him. Dean is right that Crowley has gotten weaker. He would have killed his mother before he had been tortured by Sam. I do find it amusing that Dean is the one giving Crowley a pep talk on how to be more evil. Whatever it takes though. I’m ready for Crowley to come back in force. This scene was the best talk through emotions that these guys have had in a long time. I’m glad Dean finally reminded Crowley that Dean is more family to him than his horrible mom. Favorite moment of this scene: Crowley’s drink. Least favorite: There were a lot of slurpy noises while they drank.

Really Crowley? I’m glad you’ve caught up with everyone else.

Bobby manages to open up the door to Heaven allowing Cas to sneak in and sneak out with Metatron. Metatron makes it out thinking that he has the upper hand and that he is going to figure out a way to run away. Well Crowley might no longer be in charge, but Cas sure knows what he’s doing. Cas steals his Grace and Sam shoots him in the leg. First question: Why did none of the other angels take away his grace before? That would have made keeping him prisoner much easier. Metatron’s claim that he still has some of Cas’ Grace makes me wonder if they’ll be able to fix Cas for good and fix Heaven.

Finally Crowley steps up to his mom and kicks her out and sets her straight. It’s a little scary that he let her leave to do whatever she wants, but I’m at least glad she’s not feeding him poisonous lies anymore. I’ll take the little victory.

We round this episode out with both the boys lying to each other and pretending that nothing big just happened. Of course we got a tear jerker moment getting to watch Sam read a letter from Bobby. Bobby of course speaks the truth and shows his common sense that Dean needs to know what’s going on. Even if he’s not going along with it they shouldn’t be lying to each other.

Yes Bobby, yes it is.

Questions: What are the Angels going to do to Bobby?

Problems: This season overall has been enjoyable to me, but I’m over this Angel story line how it’s going right now. Something needs to change. We need a big bad that’s not an Angel.

The Most Heart Wrenching Moments of Supernatural: The Things We Left Behind.


Well we knew that a midseason finale wouldn’t be an easy watch, but that doesn’t mean that the writers didn’t try to make us think we might have a chance.

The writers slowly hacked away at our hearts throughout this episode starting with this:

A Happy Dean

After a flash back/ dream about mass murder we see Dean laughing to some Three Stooges while Sam brings him a sandwich. We see the two of them together, happy, and they even throw in a little moodiness for Sam to make it feel real. This is what life should be. Even as hunters they should just be dealing with the next monster and then celebrating over a beer. Instead we’ve seen horrible things from both brothers and times where they couldn’t even talk to each other. It feels great to be right again. Which is just further proof the writers are messing with us.

A Broken Claire

We see Claire abandoned. Father dead, Mother gone, Grandmother also dead. So now she’s a troubled teen who shoplifts for a creep. Not just any creep, but a manipulating creep that doesn’t care what happens to her. Claire has perhaps lost the most in this situation. She was young when Jimmy invited Castiel in and she was safe. She had a mom who cared for her and a dad who cared about her. She was fed, clothed. and looked after. She then got shoved out on her own knowing that there was an angel out there somewhere that had taken her dad from her without a second thought about what that did to her world. Even though we know that Castiel really wants to help her we get why she is mad at him and why she doesn’t want to trust him. Hell I know his motives and I still don’t trust that he will do what’s right for her. He can’t give her the home she wants and if he drags her along for the ride with the Winchesters that’s a whole other evil.

Castiel in a tie

We finally see Castiel in his tie again. Well in a tie at least. I’m surprised at how much I have missed it. The absence of the tie seems to symbolize the lack of a purpose. His other tieless moments have mostly involved him being insane. We get to see a glimpse of his old self this episode. I mentioned that the writers were wanting to break us down right?

Sam and Dean’s apathy with the Claire situation

Dean’s never been one to care about personal issues, but seeing Sam tell Cas “so what” about the Claire situation shows how far from doing good no matter what they’ve come. Yes they are right. What good with Castiel do for this girl? He’s more likely to harm her than help her, but that wouldn’t have stopped Sam in the past. He would have wanted to make sure that Claire was safe whether she wanted to be or not.

Dean asking Cas to take him out 

When Cas questions Dean about the Mark messing with him he responses by asking Cas to kill him if he goes dark again. I don’t think that Cas is the one to do this for him, but he knows Sam won’t do it. I wonder if Cas really will. Destiel or no Cas does care about Dean and he knows that on the most basic level Dean wants to do good. He wants to help and protect people from the forces of evil. He just doesn’t know how to protect people from himself.

Crowley getting played by his mom

Watching Crowley complain about his mom was hilarious (Nobody cares Gerald), but we see yet another family with issues. Crowley may be the King of Hell, but he was a little boy once. A little boy that was almost sold for some pigs and was abandoned to figure things out for himself at age 8. The boys attempted cure comes back to bite him again as he is manipulated by his mother. She plays him like an expert and gets what she wants in the end. I wanted to scream at him through the TV telling him to not trust her. Of course don’t trust her– really?? Crowley should know better– demon cure or no.

Castiel finally stepping up

Castiel finally figures out that he needs to become more active to find and help Claire. He is wracked by guilt over taking her dad from her. He at least stops her from robbing a store, but gets pushed away again. Of course he takes her at her word about not wanting his help again and has to have sense talked into him by Sam and Dean. I was so thrilled to see him get it done during the final rescue sequence. We saw for a moment again that powerful/scary angel from past seasons. And it was glorious.

Sam and Dean talking about John

They tell this messed up story about Dean sneaking out to a club underage and getting drunk. He gets caught by his dad and embarrassed and proclaims his everlasting hatred to his dad. His dad that we all know he spent most of his life idolizing. This is yet another moment of sweet sadness. It’s been a long time since we’ve heard the boys talk about their dad much less tell a story about him that didn’t involve killing something. Dean ends the story by commenting on how his dad raised him right. I wonder what his dad would think of everything that has happened to the boys since his death.

Claire getting sold

Claire’s realization of Randy’s betrayal is just another sad moment in a long list of sad moments. She has stuck by this creep the whole episode rejecting Castiel. She finally sees that Castiel really is trying to help her and that Randy just sees her as an income stream.

Dean going Alpha on everyone

Dean lingers a little too long during the exit from Randy’s house and– ooooops– just happens to slice everyone to pieces. You know how that can happen. I wasn’t so much surprised by his actions but by his reaction. He knew as soon as he saw what he had done that he had done something horrible. His look of complete shock and sorrow said it all. However, Sam’s reaction was 10 times worse. All he wanted to hear was a reason to rationalize away Dean’s actions and that isn’t at all what he got.

How will the boys handle this? Will Cas try to fulfill his promise to Dean? What are they going to do with Claire? Will Sam deal with this better than Dean dealt with Sam’s demon blood problem? So many questions and over a month until we find out.

Supernatural: Hibbing 911. When is Jody getting her own show?


Jody is back again!  Jody is one of the few good guys left. Bobby is gone, Garth is a werewolf, Jo and Ellen are dead, Ash is off controlling Heaven and Kevin Tran. . .well I’m not trying to cry today. Jody is a tie back to the time that they had a good support system.  Now when they need help they have Jody, Cas or Crowley. Sooooo yeah Cas isn’t the most stable and Crowley is the King of Hell so they aren’t exactly the best people to have back you up. Except Jody. Jody still sees things in Good vs Evil and yeah she’s open to converting evil (like adopting an ex-vampire as a daughter), but she’s not gone full dark side like the boys.

It refreshing to see the boys interact with her and with Donna and remember it’s not always demons and Knights of Hell and all that. Sometimes you just get to kill a vampire. The writers have done a great job setting up the potential for a spin off (which I feel like could have been done after the last Jody episode) and they could even bring Donna in on it and I wouldn’t complain. This feels natural unlike the attempted Bloodlines spin off. Of course I could be getting excited over nothing, but seriously this could be as smooth as Arrow and Flash with casual crossovers that don’t feel forced. Jody has plenty of experience fighting monsters, a sad love story (really two sad love stories) and a teenage daughter to help with the younger audience.

OK to move on from my fantasizing over this spin off that will probably never happen here are the top 5 moments from this episode:

5. Jody and the Winchester’s banter Jody is the closest thing they have to a mom right now. Jo filled that role for a little while, but after she was gone Jody stepped up to that role a little bit. She respects what the boys do, but isn’t cowed by the fact that they are Winchesters. Even with someone tearing people apart the boys seem more relaxed with her around.

That smile

4. Jody standing up for Donna At the start of the episode we see Donna getting trampled on by her ex-husband and even though Jody is uncomfortable she doesn’t do anything about it. Then we see it over and over again. He keeps making comments about her weight, her personality and is obviously trying to hook up with someone at the retreat. So it’s awesome to see Jody lay into him. Donna, of course, didn’t appreciate it at first, but I think after her moment witnessing a vampire for the first time she got over it. And became awesome.

Come on– we were all thinking it. And we’ve all known this guy.

3.  Donna standing up for herself. We saw her getting treated poorly the last episode she was on and then for over 30 minutes of this episode we saw her put up with more than any woman should ever put up with. So even though she wasn’t standing up to her ex it was glorious to see her stand up to Dean– and then get it done at the end of the episode.

and this this moment:

I really have grown to like her character– but that smile right there– she would have made a creepy villain.

2. Jody and Donna practically cosplaying Dean and Cas. Cause– I mean really:

Am I hallucinating or are they dressed like Dean and Cas?Am I hallucinating or are they dressed like Dean and Cas?

Am I hallucinating or are they dressed like Dean and Cas?

It’s mostly adorable.

1. Dean being so defensive of being an FBI agent. I literally laughed out loud. Which was impressive since I was laying in bed with strep feeling like crap. He was so angry at that cop mocking his job. This is what I love about this show. If it was just a straight up horror/monster show I don’t know that I would watch it. However moments of humor like this is what makes it for me.


Overall this was a very solid episode and I hope with everything in me that Jody Mills gets a spin off show. I’m not holding my breath though.

From the look of next week’s midseason finale we will no longer be riding the love wave between the boys.  I really hope they end up supporting each other and aren’t back where they started. I’m also curious to see what Crowley has done with his mom. Plus I wonder if Crowley helped cure Dean because he wants him human to use the Blade. Maybe he’s too powerful to manipulate as a demon? We’ll see what is answered next week, but I’m sure we’ll have even more questions too.

Supernatural: Girls, Girls, Girls! Wow that was a lot of tied up story lines.

We get to see the boys still getting along and Sam giving Dean crap about his Tinder dating app. I love that Sam tries to prep Dean to the fact that Shayleen is most likely not her profile pic and might not even be a woman. Annnnnd then she shows up and proves Sam wrong– for the time being. I think we all knew– even without the previews this week– that something would be up with her. I am glad the boys are still getting along and that the tension undercurrent is at a minimum (seriously there’s no way there will ever be no tension at all). I do wonder if they are phasing out the bunker though. I wouldn’t be opposed to that even though if Sam and Dean really did exist there’s no way they’d abandon a stronghold like that.

Switch to Castiel and worst character ever Hannah. Their mission on earth seems to be wrapping up and she seems to want to call it quits. Cas of course is being a stickler for the rules and wants to guarantee that all the Angels are back in Heaven. I think he probably just doesn’t want to go back himself so he’s telling himself he needs to finish this mission. Of course insert awkward moment with Hannah getting naked so she can go shower.

Now we’re back with Dean and the woman we soon find out is a prostitute– with a twist. She’s requiring souls as payment instead of money. Obviously she doesn’t believe this is a big deal, but here’s my question: Why use real prostitutes? Why not have demons handle both ends? As in why not possess prostitutes so they can just seal the deal with you instead of having to call in a third party? It just seems like a mood killer to me– not that I’m looking to start a demon prostitution ring– but if I was I think I could do a better job. Dean does seem to let her kill him pretty easily though, but they still are able to find the brothel.

And we switch story lines again back to Castiel and Hannah– where her husband is crashing the party. This is awkward as well– as everything with her seems to be and she tries to convince her husband that the reason she ran away was because she is in love with Castiel and they are together now. Her husband doesn’t buy it and I think after she kissed Castiel she realized that he really wasn’t interested either. She gives all of these noble excuses as to why she’s going to leave her body and go back to Heaven, but I really think it’s just because she finally gets that Castiel isn’t interested in her like that. I’m so glad that she’s gone now though and hope that Castiel teams up with the boys again.

Rowena shows up at Raul’s Girls and kills Raul. She takes the girls along to “help” them and at this time I was slightly unsure if she was really going to be a bad guy or not. I know we’ve seen her killing people in hotel rooms, but in this world that doesn’t really make someone all the way bad. The boys find Raul’s body and realize that witches are involved. With a little research (Sam is so good at that– and btw surely they ran across Rowena and her spell when trying to kill Yellow Eyes or Crowley. Or any other demon) they find out that the spell originates from a 300 year old witch named Rowena.

We see Rowena manipulating everyone around her while giving a pitch to the girls to try to bring them into her coven. So yeah– now we’re sure that Rowena is a bad guy. After a little bit of time getting all they want however we see that her magic does come with a rather large price (like the people she enchants die a horrible death pretty quickly– gives new meaning to dine and dash). The girls seems to be a little iffy after they see the waiter die, but they haven’t run away yet.

We also see that Crowley isn’t too happy with the Raul’s Girls establishment and agrees that a soul in exchange for some good (or nasty) sex is a bad deal. I would like to think that he agrees with me that Raul was running a poor business model as well. I also am concerned with Crowley’s lack of focus. He’s the King of Hell he should act like it! I miss my bad guy.

 Dean and Sam are now on the hunt for Rowena when we see yet another story line introduced. We see the dude (Cole) that tied up Sam at the beginning of the season and who Dean humiliated. He evidently hasn’t given up and is now torturing demons to find out what makes them tick. So when Dean and Sam corner Rowena he gets the drop on them and Rowena gets away. In the struggle with Rowena though the boys kill 2 demons who were sent to grab her and Rowena kills one of the hookers as a distraction to try to get away. I am curious to see if instead of going home to his family if Cole sticks around and really gets to see what the boys do. He finally got to see a glimpse of the real Sam and Dean, but I find it hard to believe after a quick conversation with Dean that he’d really buy that Dean killed his dad for legitimate reasons. Is this going to be a plot line that disappears (cough– Benny– cough) or will we find out what Cole’s dad really was? Will Cole become a hunter? Yes we see Cole drive off, but now that he’s not out to kill the boys I’d kinda be interested in his story.

The biggest feels were to be had during Dean’s conversation with Cole. He acknowledged Sam’s love for him, he thinks he is destined to die a bloody death (which I’m inclined to agree with), and he wants Cole to avoid the darkness he has in his life. Yep. All off the feels.

 At the tail end of the episode we see Castiel Googling his host body’s story, but even bigger we see Crowley go to kill Rowena. Yeah. . .about that. As many fans predicted we find out something big– Rowena is Crowley’s mom. You know that witch mother he mentioned a few seasons ago– welp– that would be her. Will he kill her? Create an alliance with her? Will his humanity cause (even more) issues with this situation?

Top 10 Moments of Supernatural: Ask Jeeves.

We are coming down from our 200 episode high and I was somewhat expecting this episode to switch back to drama between the boys. I was pleasantly surprised that that didn’t happen.

Here are some of my favorite moments/themes from this week’s episode.

10. The boy’s troubles fitting in. Showing up in their regular hunting gear has placed them at a disadvantage. This is a home that is 100% judging them on their clothes and deportment. It is amusing to watch he boys who are normally so in control of the situation be looked down upon.

9. Shifters. This episode’s mystery is pretty cut and dried. It looks like there is some kind of monster killing people and after the rule out it being a ghost they realize they are up against a shifter. Therefore everyone is a suspect. This is something I love about a shifter. Some of my favorite “monster of the week” episodes involve shifters. I love that everyone is a suspect and that the outside world (in this instance the family) think the boys are just acting crazy and don’t realize what danger they are in.

8. Clue. Clue is my favorite board game from childhood and one of my favorite childhood movies as well so I ate up all the Clue references. Dean calling the family members “Mrs. Peacock and Colonial Mustard” to his picking up all the random weapons to use (the lead pipe, the rope, the wrench, the candlestick, the knife, and finally the revolver) was perfection. The rooms as they were shot even felt board game like. There was a definite separation every time they went into a new room/area to investigate. It was at times slightly heavy handed, but not so much that it was annoying. This element was what I considered a pretty great homage.


7. Colette goes to Clown College. I can’t explain why this cracks me up as much as it does, but I love that this is the excuse that the butler came up with.  Really? Clown college?

6. The cougar team. The team of “older” ladies (yeah I know they are supposed to be cougars here, but they don’t look that old to me– not like the ghost ship episode) that are after Sam and Dean are the best. Dean meets their advances with humor and kinda seems open to it whereas Sam is constantly uncomfortable around them.

5. Sam’s awkwardness. The cougars have Sam acting very awkward throughout this episode, but if you watch he’s awkward even before they come into the story.  He shows up with ridiculously small coffee cups at the beginning of the episode and when Dean mocks his desire to change into his FBI clothes he seems uncomfortable around the butler. He keeps touching his hair and face and not seeming like he knows when to smile. I find it both adorable and uncomfortable to watch.

4. Silver? This isn’t a best moment so much as an issue I have. They trust the maid to bring the silver to them. First of all that amount of real silverware would need to be polished a lot so there would be some tarnish on something. Secondly silver and stainless steel look and feel differently. That’s something the boys would surely notice with all their experience with silver.

3. Sweating Sam. Sam gets cornered by the shifter and tries to reason with her. She tells him her story about how Bobby killed her father and her mother agreed to lock her away so she wouldn’t hurt anyone.Which brings up a whole other theory up for me. Her mother had an affair with a shifter and as we’ve seen before shifters like to shift into a husband and then get a woman pregnant (then come back and steal the baby). So did Bunny know she was having an affair?  How old is the shifter daughter? She could be a lot older than she looks and just shifting into a younger version of herself. Also locking your daughter away in the attic is a horrible idea. And Bobby was supposed to “take care” of her after Bunny died. Sounds very Rustler’s Rhapsody to me.

Anyway he gives a rousing speech about how she doesn’t have to be a monster. That being a monster is a choice. This episode although is mostly light hearted and funny has it deep moments and this is one of them. Both Sam and Dean have made the decision to not be monsters over and over again (and kinda still are even though we all like to pretend they aren’t). Right after Sam makes this speech Dean shows up to save his brother and puts way too many of those silver bullets in her.  The look on Sam’s face as he watches Dean put bullet after bullet into her corpse is full of fear. Like he is wondering if Dean is going to not stick to his choice of not being a monster.


2. The return of Bobby, well kinda. We open up with Dean working on the Impala again (is it just me or is he working on that a lot? Did he take that bad of care of it during his demon days or is he trying to stay busy so he can avoid his issues?) and Sam delivering very small coffees.  The case they are picking up is related to something Bobby left over from his hunting career. It was nice to see a Bobby related story again even though it just made me wish, once again, that he wasn’t dead. (Seriously why couldn’t he, Jo, Ellen and Ash save the world by fighting Metatron from inside heaven?)

1. Family. One of the strong underlying messages in this episode was that Dean and Sam are back at it again. They are close and happy and no longer have issues. RIGHT? Seriously though they’ve come a long way and you can see Sam trying to not rock that boat. He declares with pride, when Dash states that his family doesn’t like each other, that his family does. You can also feel him trying to not push Dean too hard after his overzealous take down of the shifter. He wants everything to be good and doesn’t want to mess up what they have going.
The thing that makes this show great year after year is that it all comes down to the fact that the brothers are family and they need each other. We all think everything will be fine as long as the brothers are together and while I still believe that we still had a few moments that reminded us that even though things are great now we still have issues that need to be worked through. Like that whole Mark of Cain thing.

Supernatural: Paper Moon. The boys are back!


Well, where were we? Oh yeah– Dean is cured (mostly) and they are back to their old routine (mostly). Of course we know that sitting by the lake and drinking beers isn’t going to last long with the boys no matter what they’ve been through. So we assume they’ve been “relaxing” for at least a few days and are getting antsy. We do get to see the boys bonding again which we haven’t seen in much longer than I feel comfortable with. As expected though just a few minutes into their talk Dean brings up a possible case (which Sam obviously had already noticed as well). I get that Dean needs to work to feel normal again and I buy that Sam understands this too.

I’d like to take a moment to mention that if it’s been a while since you’ve seen “Bitten” (Season 8 Episode 4) I recommend going back and watching it (before this new episode if you can, or if you’ve already watched it go back and watch the old episode so you can see all the things you missed). That’s where Kate is from (the werewolf that they almost kill at the beginning of this episode). They let Kate go because it seemed like she could manage out in the world without hurting anyone. This whole premise of letting monsters go that are trying to be good is something that the boys have been struggling with for a while. They both seem to go back and forth on the subject (Dean killed Amy Pond even though Sam wanted her to live and Sam wanted to kill Benny even though Dean backed him up— speaking of Benny– will we ever see him again? Cause that’d be cool). Bitten was one of my favorite episodes in Season 8– which really isn’t saying a lot because Season 8 was weird, but this episode was good on any standard. It was interesting and different so I’m glad they revisited this character.

Quickly into their interrogation it becomes clear that Kate probably isn’t to blame or at least isn’t working alone (and Kate manages to break away which I blame either on their rusty hunting skills or their desire to trust her on some level). Kate runs away and Dean and Sam get to have a heart to heart in the Impala on the way to where they think she ran off to. This scene shows not only what we’ve been missing, but how so much has changed. Sam blows off Dean’s concern about Lester (remember creeper dude that Dean killed while he was a demon?) and seems truly puzzled that Dean is concerned about guilt over this scumbag’s death. No matter how bad Lester is Sam has always been the one that didn’t want to kill humans (well except when he was soulless Sam, but that was understandable). I think both boys are equally guilty as far as Lester is concerned and maybe they are both trying to blame the other as far as all that baggage so that way they don’t have to face any of their own inner demons (hehe).

It appears that they’ve caught up with Kate when surprise surprise it wasn’t Kate, but Kate’s sister who happens to also be a werewolf and a werewolf that tries to kill the boys. Kate saves her and fills in the boys and even Sam wants to take care of her. (Let me take a moment to also say how happy I am to see Dean with his gun again. He’s been favoring his stabby weapons lately and seeing him with his pearl handled gun is great). Kate really seems to have everything in her own life under control, but it’s obvious that her sister, Tasha, is enjoying being a werewolf to the fullest. It’s also obvious to everyone but Kate that she’s out of control. I can’t say I blame Kate for wanting to believe the best in her sister. She turned her to save her life and the boys have done some crazy things to save each other so I can understand Kate wanting to help her sister.

Dean feeds her a line about how he can cure them and that she needs to take Dean to her so that he can fix their problem. Now this is a load of crap, but Kate believes it and leads them to their rendezvous point. Kate falls asleep and we get to see the boys have another talk. Seriously this is the best their relationship has been since probably Season 3. Sam admits to doing things he’s not proud of and Dean makes a few smartass comments, but mostly lets Sam know he understands what he was going through and even THANKS him for saving his life. Damn it’s nice to have my boys back.

Dean very smoothly breaks the news to Kate that there isn’t a cure (or handcuffs her to the steering wheel) and then goes up to the house with Sam to take care of Tasha. Kate is still in denial about how bad Tasha is and Dean says something that really stuck out to me. He says, “No, Tasha is in too deep. You don’t come back from that. Not ever.” Well I’m going to go ahead and say that being a demon with the Mark of Cain on you is about as deep as you can get. I’m assuming this is foreshadowing some rocky times ahead, but I’m just going to dwell on the good stuff for the moment. Dean has consistently  called Sam, Sammy this season and along with it being another thing I love, I feel like he’s trying to hold onto his humanity through his brother.

Now insert twist. Tasha not only has gone way overboard, but has also turned a few friends in an effort to start her own pack.I’m surprised with the lack of fight that the boys put up. I mean really, Dean killed a whole coven of vampires alone and Sam just got off of a demon/monster killing spree. So their next actions are pretty awesome. Seemingly beaten Dean and Sam play the guys holding them into getting close enough to stab them quickly in the heart. So yeah that’s awesome.

While the boys are killing their own werewolves Kate is busy having a conversation with her sister and then subtly stabs her in the heart as well. I’m really happy that Kate took care of Tasha. I don’t think that she could have forgiven the guys if they had taken her out without Kate getting to try to get her under control herself. She runs off and later calls the boys to settle everything with them. I do want good things for Kate. She truly wants to do the right thing despite her issues.

Dean rounds off the episode by admitting that maybe he isn’t ready to hunt, but that he “just wants to do the right thing man, because I’m sick and tired of doing the wrong thing”. So yep, this episode has officially pushed this episode into awesome territory. Coming up we have the 200th episode (holy crap) and it looks to be one of the awesome funny/weird/out in left field episodes that everyone loves.

Supernatural: Soul Survivor. Something good is bound to happen sometime right?

deantied up

Wow. This episode was packed full of all kinds of awesome.

We start out with Sam starting the curing process with Dean and of course everything isn’t going smoothly. Both boys are in pain. Sam emotionally and Dean physically. Dean may be a demon now, but he still remembers all the buttons to push. We only get to see a bit of the pain that Dean and Sam are going through before we switch back to the angel story. Have I mentioned I’m tired of this story line? Well we have Hanna mooning over Castiel and Cas finally picking up on it and we have Cas admitting that Sam doesn’t know the extent of what is going on with his Grace. Anytime some one wants to stab Hanna with an angel blade I’m cool with it. Just sayin’.

OK now back to Sam and Dean. Dean makes a very impassioned speech (one of many during this process) about how Sam is really the monster out of the two of them. Cue flashback. We get to see Sam pushing sleazy mustached dude from last week into making a crossroads deal with a demon just so that he can capture one in order to try to find out where Dean is. You’d think big long legged Sam could have gotten to Lester before he kissed the demon, but who knows. Maybe Sam thought there’d be more explanations from the demon before the deal was made. Ummm yeah maybe that was it. Although was Dean is saying is obviously affecting Sam it’s not really slowing him down with the sanctified blood injections.

Switch to The King of Hell meting judgments down on Abaddon’s followers. We see the demons trying to manipulate Crowley into doing what they think he needs to do. We even see a sad flashback/rundown of all of Dean and Crowley’s fun times. A new demon tries to team up with Crowley and thinks that he will get in because of his love for ” the classic rock and roll.”  Yeah it doesn’t work out so well for him.  We do find out that the demons are watching Castiel on his trip and keeping tabs on his health. Which becomes important in a bit.

Speaking of Castiel. Well– let’s not. Just know more tension and awkwardness.

Sam looks to be cracking under the pressure of watching Dean suffer, but Castiel helps remind him that if the blood kills him instead of curing him that’s all for the best. Dean does appear to be in pain, but that’s not slowing down his painful speeches. “I chose the King of Hell over you,”  and “I went as far away from you as I could. Away from the whining and complaining.” Or my personal favorite, “Maybe it’s the fact that my mother would still be alive if it wasn’t for you. That your very existence sucked the life out of my life.” Was that a crack in his voice when he said that line? Seriously though I found this painful to watch. It was nice to see Sam stand strong while Dean did everything he could to tear him apart. Well mentally at least.

Crowley now sees one of his followers commit suicide (in an uncomfortable manner) in front of everyone just so he doesn’t have to follow Crowley. I think this is what pushes him to what happens next. What happens next you ask? Well now we see Castiel trying to let Hanna down easy. Unsuccessfully. And then– wait! Can it be? Is someone going to take my suggestion with the Angel Blade and Hanna? Crap. No. After an angel fight with the angel on the run Crowley shows up and kills the psycho before she can finish killing Hanna. Thankfully Crowley takes her Grace and forces Cas to accept it making him all better for a little while. Obviously he has plans for Cas– but maybe just to help Sam cure Dean so that Dean is no longer a threat to his empire (this all happens in a longer time frame, but like I said I’m tired of the Angel story line).

OK we knew we’d have to have a sappy scene with Sam exploring his feelings with Dean and they do it perfectly.  Sam runs into some old pictures of Dean happy and loving. I’m really glad they didn’t go into it too much with Sam second guessing himself. Instead it just serves as a reminder and that the boys do love each other and if this works it will be worth all the pain. A now resolute Sam goes back to finish the job and shockingly finds Dean gone.

We now get to see Dean on the prowl hunting Sam and Sam on the defensive. Sam grabs some fancy keys and goes to cut the power all to try to trap Dean in the electrical room to try to talk some sense into him.  The only hitch in that plan is that Dean doesn’t want to face the pain of being human again so instead tears the door down so that way he can go and kill Sam. After a brief struggle and a barely missed hammer to the head it looks like Sam’s only option is to kill Dean with the demon knife. Thankfully the newly energized Castiel comes to the rescue forcing Dean back into his bonds. After another injection of blood Dean is back. The only thing that surprises me is that they released him right after the holy water no longer had an effect on him. I might would have done another injection to make sure all the demon was all gone. That’s just me though.

Seeing Sam relaxing and happy is something that has been a long time coming. I don’t know that he’s been this comfortable since before the trials. We also get to see a touching scene between Castiel and Dean. Dean is trying to beat himself up about trying to kill Sam and Castiel isn’t having it. Yes it’s everything that we could want in a Cas/Dean scene.


The very last scene of this episode shows a mystery lady with 2 dead bodies nailed to the ceiling above her. Yeah cause that’s normal. Speculation is that this person is someone from Crowley’s human past. Perhaps his witch mother? I’m sure we’ll find out soon.

This season so far (especially if you take out the Hanna story) is one of the best in a long time. I’m very excited to see what is to come. What did you think of Dean being cured?