Supernatural: Soul Survivor. Something good is bound to happen sometime right?

deantied up

Wow. This episode was packed full of all kinds of awesome.

We start out with Sam starting the curing process with Dean and of course everything isn’t going smoothly. Both boys are in pain. Sam emotionally and Dean physically. Dean may be a demon now, but he still remembers all the buttons to push. We only get to see a bit of the pain that Dean and Sam are going through before we switch back to the angel story. Have I mentioned I’m tired of this story line? Well we have Hanna mooning over Castiel and Cas finally picking up on it and we have Cas admitting that Sam doesn’t know the extent of what is going on with his Grace. Anytime some one wants to stab Hanna with an angel blade I’m cool with it. Just sayin’.

OK now back to Sam and Dean. Dean makes a very impassioned speech (one of many during this process) about how Sam is really the monster out of the two of them. Cue flashback. We get to see Sam pushing sleazy mustached dude from last week into making a crossroads deal with a demon just so that he can capture one in order to try to find out where Dean is. You’d think big long legged Sam could have gotten to Lester before he kissed the demon, but who knows. Maybe Sam thought there’d be more explanations from the demon before the deal was made. Ummm yeah maybe that was it. Although was Dean is saying is obviously affecting Sam it’s not really slowing him down with the sanctified blood injections.

Switch to The King of Hell meting judgments down on Abaddon’s followers. We see the demons trying to manipulate Crowley into doing what they think he needs to do. We even see a sad flashback/rundown of all of Dean and Crowley’s fun times. A new demon tries to team up with Crowley and thinks that he will get in because of his love for ” the classic rock and roll.”  Yeah it doesn’t work out so well for him.  We do find out that the demons are watching Castiel on his trip and keeping tabs on his health. Which becomes important in a bit.

Speaking of Castiel. Well– let’s not. Just know more tension and awkwardness.

Sam looks to be cracking under the pressure of watching Dean suffer, but Castiel helps remind him that if the blood kills him instead of curing him that’s all for the best. Dean does appear to be in pain, but that’s not slowing down his painful speeches. “I chose the King of Hell over you,”  and “I went as far away from you as I could. Away from the whining and complaining.” Or my personal favorite, “Maybe it’s the fact that my mother would still be alive if it wasn’t for you. That your very existence sucked the life out of my life.” Was that a crack in his voice when he said that line? Seriously though I found this painful to watch. It was nice to see Sam stand strong while Dean did everything he could to tear him apart. Well mentally at least.

Crowley now sees one of his followers commit suicide (in an uncomfortable manner) in front of everyone just so he doesn’t have to follow Crowley. I think this is what pushes him to what happens next. What happens next you ask? Well now we see Castiel trying to let Hanna down easy. Unsuccessfully. And then– wait! Can it be? Is someone going to take my suggestion with the Angel Blade and Hanna? Crap. No. After an angel fight with the angel on the run Crowley shows up and kills the psycho before she can finish killing Hanna. Thankfully Crowley takes her Grace and forces Cas to accept it making him all better for a little while. Obviously he has plans for Cas– but maybe just to help Sam cure Dean so that Dean is no longer a threat to his empire (this all happens in a longer time frame, but like I said I’m tired of the Angel story line).

OK we knew we’d have to have a sappy scene with Sam exploring his feelings with Dean and they do it perfectly.  Sam runs into some old pictures of Dean happy and loving. I’m really glad they didn’t go into it too much with Sam second guessing himself. Instead it just serves as a reminder and that the boys do love each other and if this works it will be worth all the pain. A now resolute Sam goes back to finish the job and shockingly finds Dean gone.

We now get to see Dean on the prowl hunting Sam and Sam on the defensive. Sam grabs some fancy keys and goes to cut the power all to try to trap Dean in the electrical room to try to talk some sense into him.  The only hitch in that plan is that Dean doesn’t want to face the pain of being human again so instead tears the door down so that way he can go and kill Sam. After a brief struggle and a barely missed hammer to the head it looks like Sam’s only option is to kill Dean with the demon knife. Thankfully the newly energized Castiel comes to the rescue forcing Dean back into his bonds. After another injection of blood Dean is back. The only thing that surprises me is that they released him right after the holy water no longer had an effect on him. I might would have done another injection to make sure all the demon was all gone. That’s just me though.

Seeing Sam relaxing and happy is something that has been a long time coming. I don’t know that he’s been this comfortable since before the trials. We also get to see a touching scene between Castiel and Dean. Dean is trying to beat himself up about trying to kill Sam and Castiel isn’t having it. Yes it’s everything that we could want in a Cas/Dean scene.


The very last scene of this episode shows a mystery lady with 2 dead bodies nailed to the ceiling above her. Yeah cause that’s normal. Speculation is that this person is someone from Crowley’s human past. Perhaps his witch mother? I’m sure we’ll find out soon.

This season so far (especially if you take out the Hanna story) is one of the best in a long time. I’m very excited to see what is to come. What did you think of Dean being cured?

Arrow Season 2: This Show Has Not Failed This Network


I have previously posted about how Arrow is worth the watch, but the show has taken another big step forward this season.  The first season had the issue that a lot of CW shows have, it was over dramatic and focused too much on the love story.  However the further we got into the season the more the characters were allowed to develop and the actors became more comfortable in their roles.

Fast forward to Season 2: We’ve established a pretty thorough back story with  most of the characters and if they don’t have a back story they are interesting stand alone characters.

We have Oliver who is working through his crazy


Diggle who is inspired by the good that The Arrow is doing in the city (aka the OTHER guy we can count on to take off his shirt).


Felicity who is in love with Oliver  Oliver’s assistant. She’s a great strong female character, but doesn’t throw it in your face every five minutes that’s she’s a strong female character. She’s the glue that holds it all together.

Laurel who is about 15 shades of crazy and self absorbed.  She also looks super weird this season for some reason I can’t explain.

And that brings us to Sara. Sara who does scream HEY I’M STRONG AND I’M A WOMAN every chance she gets.  AKA the Black Canary.  She also is super crazy and has her own island issues.  However she’s less annoying than Laurel so she’s got that going for her.

Plus she can do this which I have to respect– even if I don’t want her and Ollie together.

Roy Harper has gotten a larger role this season as well prepping himself to become Ollie’s sidekick of sorts.  Right now he’s having some issues, but he helps humanize Thea (Ollie’s sister) and is an interesting part of this broken team.

We also have a whole slew of bad guys and secondary characters.  John Barrowman being one of them which in and of itself is amazing and Deathstroke who has been pretty scary the last bit of this season.  I won’t go into all of them, but I’ll say that I’m very glad that Arrow looked toward Supernatural as a model CW show instead of any of the others.  Arrow in season 2 is where Smallville was in season 8.  I’m so happy they are going all out and upping the ante every episode.  I don’t feel that any of the characters (with the exception of Ollie) are safe which I love in a show.  You can’t be concerned when someone is kidnapped/in danger/hurt if you KNOW they won’t really die.

So bravo Arrow!  I’m excited to see how this season ends and I’m looking forward to what you’ll bring to the future seasons.  I also appreciate how much time and effort Stephen Amell spends posting on his Facebook page.  It adds a whole new layer to watching a show when you know that the actors are just as excited about filming it.

To show my appreciation I’ll post one last GIF of Ollie doing his thing.  Why you ask?  Oh wait, no you didn’t ask, you understand.

Supernatural Review: Captives: Another Round of Feels Please.

This post is even later than usual because besides being a mom, a seamstress and going back to the office part time I’ve also decided to become a band manager on the side.  Cause I go to bars?  Or maybe because I’m good at telling other people what to do.  Yep.  That’d be it.  Now back to it:

There are really two stories going on here so we’ll talk about them one at a time.  Let’s talk about Kevin first. Maybe it was all the extra stuff I’ve taken on, but I was completely taken by surprise with Kevin coming back.  Not having time to Google spoilers was quite fantastic in this instance.  So this was me:


and I have stated how messed up I was when Kevin died so I was pretty happy we had some closure on this subject.  Well as much closure as we can have about Kevin still being dead and proving that he was right and they should have gone and looked for him mom sooner. Cause maybe if they’d listened to Kevin for once he would have been able to find his mom before he died. Just sayin’. 

I also see this whole episode as a reminder that Crowley is not good.  Yes he helps the boys out periodically, but he is still, at his core, the King of Hell.  Dean needs this reminder more than any of us right now. I have to say I find it interesting that the same person that was once destined to be Michael’s vessel now has the Mark of Cain and is leaving desperate messages on the King of Hell’s voice mail.  He even defended Crowley to Sam about keeping Mrs. Tran and the others captive (btw– what about the 3rd captive?!) 

Sam and Dean are still on rocky ground and I really think Sam needs to watch out because Dean is going to be faced with killing Sam.  At least that’s my theory.  This time around it won’t be for some noble reason like during the apocalypse.  I was actually kinda thinking that Dean was going to bust out with some new Mark of Cain power or strength when he was being held captive by Crowley’s lackey.  I’m biding my time though because there can’t be some big development like taking on the Mark of Cain without some repercussions and some rewards.  

Yes, they made contact with Kevin, saved Mrs. Tran, killed some low level demon (which way to go Mrs. Tran), and reunited Kevin with his mom until he can cross over (and inexplicably ignored the 3rd.)

So many feels all around and all that, but all my sappy emotions were overshadowed by Sam acting like a 5 year old.  Really Sam?  You can’t make any overtures to mend things between you and Dean?


And what is Sam’s response to the ghost of the person that he technically killed?


He stormed out of the room.  He’s so mature or I’ve never wanted to slap such a handsome man so much in my life.  One or the other.


Now on to Castiel.  We see Cas still on his mission to find Metatron and fix what he messed up.  I was kind of surprised with the speed he was captured by Bartholomew’s guys and I was also surprised that he didn’t have a spare Angel Blade hidden in his coat.  Honestly I was more invested in the Kevin storyline than the Cas one, but I feel like what happened with Cas is going to be really important.   I mean besides the fact that he killed the head evil Angel, he now has followers.  Will he be able to redeem himself after all the things he’s messed up? (Leviathan, killing a ton of Angel’s previously, and then closing Heaven to name a few).  I really hope so.  I love Cas and he is the hero that Heaven needs.  

I think that Cas now has the experience and the restraint to actually be the perfect leader for Heaven.  Using the show’s logic perhaps God was testing Cas this whole time, leading him to this moment.  In real life that’s a horrible idea, but in Supernatural world it makes me excited to see how much Cas has developed since his introduction years ago.


I’ll end this by answering a question that my little brother asked.  Or at least answering it according to Tumblr.  The pink and black iPod (knockoff) that Dean was jamming to at the end with his Beatz by Dre?  You remember that kinda odd random moment?  Tumblr people have theorized that that is Charlie’s iPod and that’s why it’s pink.  I can accept this logic.



Top 10’s from the Supernatural Season 9 Premier

Season 9 Supernatural

Wow. This post is going to have crazy spoilers so if you haven’t seen the premier yet: STOP NOW!  You were warned.

OK to recap everything that was awesome about this episode:

  1. The cut that shows that Sam and Dean are not driving away from another disaster, but are in fact in the hospital
  2. Dean’s reaction to the doctor saying it was all in God’s hands and then his subsequent prayer to Cas
  3. Tahmoh Penikett.  I love this dude and was so excited when I saw that he was an angel.  Hopefully he’s not gone just because he’s now inside Sam. Yeah that sounds weird when you explain it like that
  4. Human Cas.  I don’t know that I can say more than that.  He was just amazing.
  5. Dean’s loyalty to Cas after everything that has happened– of course I don’t know that he would have even given up Crowley to someone who was beating the crap out of him.
  6. This kinda goes along with #4, but Cas’ escape from psycho angel girl was amazing.  I don’t think he could have done something like that without all the time he’s spent with the boys.  Kinda messed up that I was so happy he killed a teenager.
  7. Bobby. Bobby.  Bobby.  I wanted to cry when he told Sam he’d be waiting with a couple of cold ones.
  8. DEATH!  One of my favorite sequences ever on Supernatural is the first time they meet death.  This actor looks like death without being comical.  I was super excited to see him back last night.
  9. Cas’ laundromat struggles.  I will miss his trench-coat and tie combo, but loved that he recognized his human needs.  Too bad he spent that money on a bottle of water though.  I’m pretty sure he’s going to be hungry soon.
  10. Bobby.  Oh did I mention him before?  Yeah he needs another mention.  I was so happy this wasn’t just a weird ghost thing, but a legitimate reason for him to be back.

How I think Sam should cut his hair:

Swan Song

I don’t feel the urge to braid it at this length.

Questions I have:

  1. Is Ezekiel really who he says he is?  I’m thinking not, but how awesome would it be if he WAS and he received doubt and suspicion the whole season just to prove he is who he says he is.  I would love to see a good angel.  Probably not going to happen here.
  2. In that line of thought is Ezekiel really too weak to heal him?  How convenient that possession is the only way.
  3. Will the angels be any better than demons now that they have fallen?  Or perhaps it will make them want to help humans more after they see first hand the day to day struggles they go through.  Yeah probably not. Obviously something is up since psycho angel girl didn’t heal herself after the car crash.
  4. How pissed is Sam going to be when he finds out that Dean stuck and Angel in him?  OK maybe I know they answer to this question, but WOW that is going to be ugly.
  5. Why didn’t Dean look to Crowley before he looked to the angels?  He was almost cured so surely he would be open to helping Sam out.
  6. Is Crowley really the King of Hell anymore?  I’m guessing he has been demoted.
  7. Did Death know that he wasn’t really going to take Sam?  He is mostly omnipotent so maybe that’s why he went personally.  I feel like he likes the Winchesters in his own way so maybe he just wanted to hang out for a bit.  No?  Still I feel like he probably knew what was going to happen.
  8. Will Cas be able to see that Sam has an angel inside him?  I’m guessing not now that his Grace is gone, but maybe that’s how Sam will find out.  As in Cas gets his Grace back and then realizes what Dean has done and announces it.
  9. When is Sam getting a hair cut?  Now I like my Jared Padalecki shaggy, but I feel like he’s crossing a line.  Like a mousse/blowdry line.   Please.  Trim it up.
  10. What is the plan with Crowley?  I really want to see him more and my favorite Crowley episodes were when he was working with the boys.  Yes he had his own agenda, but he makes a great bad-good guy.

Overall I thought this was a solid season premier which I have to say I didn’t feel the same with the start of season 8.  There is mystery with the whole angel inside Sam situation, a bunch of big bads in the corners (the angels, Abaddon, Crowley, etc), Cas of course needs help, but there isn’t the confusion we experienced last season with the whole Purgatory crap.  I’m excited to see where they go with this and if they try to tie up the loose ends from last season (Amelia and Benny) or if they are just going to disappear into oblivion like their half brother still stuck in hell.  What are your opinions?  Tell me in the comments after watching that clip of Death that I was talking about earlier.

Truly the best sequence in the show.