Supernatural: Do you Believe in Miracles? But. . .Dean?!

Wow.  Just wow.  They didn’t pull any punches in this episode. I’ve drug my feet a bit writing this just because I know this episode is going to be hard to watch again. I’m not going to have this post be a blow by blow of what happened in the episode, but rather talk about the big stuff, then throw out theories and mostly wallow in some emotion.

We start out with Angry Dean being pulled off of Gadreel and then Sam and Cas lock him up in the dungeon to go help Gadreel. I think even Dean at this moment realizes that something is up (after all he’s not really the type to vomit in the corner).

One very serious thing before we move on: Can you read the above GIF set and not sing “Let it Go” in your head at the end of it? If you can– consider yourself lucky– and probably childless.

Back to the episode let me just say that the raw emotion that Jensen Ackles’ conveys in this episode is heartbreaking. From the beginning when he is enlisting Crowley’s help to kill Metatron to the end when he’s, well. . .let’s not talk about that yet.

I’ve expressed my love for Gadreel before and I’m really glad that he had an ending as a character that redeemed his actions against the boys and Kevin. I’ve never thought that Gadreel would have acted as he had if he had known the whole situation. I also bought that the panic he felt being caged again in prison would have pushed him to sacrifice himself to save Castiel. Oh, and I still think Hannah is messed up.

You can finally rest, Gadreel.

You can finally rest, Gadreel.

You can finally rest, Gadreel.

Now to focus on the worst thing ever in the history of anything. Dean is dead. Dead and the Winchesters have run through their “Get out of Jail Free” cards pretty quickly. Oh and Sam? You wouldn’t save Dean if he died? How many times did you say that?

Yeah I don’t think that any of us bought that Sam would sit back and let Dean die if he was hurt. And this? This was when I started crying:

I’m proud of you boys too Dean. At this moment there was no throwing things in each other’s faces, no frustration, just the love that all us fans want to see between the boys. Just. Perfection.

After all of Sam’s declarations that when they die they should just die I found it interesting that he didn’t even hesitate before saying that they would find a spell and then after Dean had died he went straight away to summon Crowley. Does he plan on making a deal? Or does he think he can just demand that Crowley saves him since Dean killed Abaddon for him? I do know that he isn’t expecting what is actually happening.

So yeah. Dean is dead and Cas finds out about it from the douchiest douche ever.  Out of all the evil angels I’ve hated Metatron the worst. Zachariah and the others KNEW they were messed up, but did what they did anyway. Even when Cas was evil Cas I still loved him. Metatron should have known better, but was horrible in the Yellow King way, or that husband that beats his wife to teach her a lesson. I can only imagine what Cas is going through sitting there, thinking Dean is dead and having Metatron brag about killing him.

That’s why it made me so happy to see Castiel outwit Metatron. Metatron, who this whole story arc has thought he was smarter, more conniving and better prepared then everyone else, got screwed by his magic Angel CB, a device that he had made to control the Angels even more than he was. The fact that Cas was able to do this was a testament to everything he’s picked up from the boys over the years. Sometimes when you can’t overpower your enemy it’s best to outsmart them. I really wish that Cas had shoved that angel blade into his throat. OK maybe not. Maybe Cas doing the right thing will show all the other angels that he really is the best little angel ever. He definitely showed more control than I would have expected. After all this is Dean we are talking about. Yes, Metatron took his Grace away, but now he’s taken Dean away from him too.  All Destiel-ness aside Dean really is special to Cas.  He’s the human  thing that has been there for Cas no matter what.

Now back to the whole Dean issue.  He’s definitely dead.  I was hoping for a last minute Angel healing or some other type of miracle, but no dice on that front.  Well and then Crowley shows up. Crowley who has never been evil for the sake of being evil, but just manipulative for his own gain. We now see how long of a game he’s been playing with Dean. This bromance just got serious.  Cause this is what happened:

Evidently after you die after you get the Mark you become a demon.  Yeah that would have been an important detail to find out Dean before taking on this thing. Cause don’t you remember that turning into a demon is kinda your worst nightmare?

I wonder how Sam is going to react to this new development. After all Sam has been in a similar– if not quite so extreme position when he was addicted to demon blood and Dean reacted like this:

I hope that Sam handles this better. I hope that Sam has learned his lesson about helping Dean instead of fighting with him. Sam does like to pick fights and whine about Dean’s decisions though. I guess we’ll find out in October.

We also have another big thing that needs to be solved quickly. Cas is dying too. He needs to get his Grace back ASAP so he doesn’t burn out and die.

The things that I will stew on between now and October:

  1. How will Dean behave now that he’s a Demon? Will he fight it or is all his humanity automatically gone? Will he be a crazy bad demon since he was a hunter for so long and so will know all the tricks?
  2. Will Sam and Cas work together to try to cure Dean? After all they’ve established that you can cure a demon.
  3. How close is Cas to death? Where is his Grace now?
  4. Will Crowley regret pushing Dean into demonhood? What if Dean takes control of Hell? He is an overachiever after all.
  5. Will God ever step back in to take control of Heaven? After all they are once again without a leader which means yet another war for power.

October can’t come quick enough.

Supernatural Review: I’m No Angel


I love love love Human Cas. I love that he would be dead if it wasn’t for his living outside the lines with the boys. I love that he calls himself Clarence (let me cry a little for Meg). I love that he’s having to deal with things that he’s always been confused by, like hunger, sleep, cleanliness and other bodily functions (do you ever get tired of urinating?) I also love that he’s still naive.  I mean seriously who else would believe that a nice girl would bring home a bum, clean his knife wounds, give him a massage (along with a happy ending) and something not be up? Especially he knows the other angels are after him.  However I buy it because it is so very Cas to trust this sweet looking girl just because.


Yeah how did that work out Cas?

How about Dean’s lines this season?  Holy crap he’s hilarious.  Well, a very funny guy that is going to get caught lying very soon. His satisfied smirk after he tells a really good lie isn’t helping matters.  Sam isn’t going to keep buying that he got knocked out and Dean made it happen very quickly.  I’m surprised he’s believed it this long.  Surely he suspects that something is up now.  Now that brings us up to Sangel healing Cas.  I really think the only reason Zeke did this was because he saw Dean breaking down looking at Cas’ body and wants to keep him on his side to achieve whatever crazy thing he’s using Dean for.  I still believe that Zeke really does need Sam’s body to heal and that he’s helping Sam by being in there, I also think he set himself back by fixing Cas.

That being said I definitely think that something is up with Zeke.  Yes everyone is after Cas, but if he’s just hanging out in the bunker there is no way that he can get caught.  If Reapers could find people in the bunker then they would have found Kevin Tran by now.  I find his reason to make Cas leave crap and I’m dying for Dean to call him on it.  However, I’m afraid he’s too worried that Zeke is going to leave Sam high and dry and will actually follow through with the Cas eviction.  OK so here’s my big question,  You have the KING OF HELL in your dungeon!  How about getting his help with Sam?? Not necessarily go through with it, but see if he’ll deal and then let Zeke know that if he doesn’t stick to the original plan he has someone else to fix everything.  Granted Kevin probably isn’t going to be cool with it, but Kevin isn’t cool with anything to do with Crowley.  How about seriously figure out any better plan than this one.  Angels are bad news.  Period. You know this Dean.

Other things about this episode:

  • There was a serious lack of Kevin Tran although reading @OsricChau ‘s tweets almost made up for that
  • Cas was shirtless quite a bit and although that isn’t Sam shirtless– it’s still awesome
  • The televangelist was so creepy.  Well maybe creepy isn’t the right term, sleazy? slimy? Hmmm I say creepy because he seriously thought he was helping people and then rationalized away seeing that girl explode like it was nothing.
  • The angels seem to just want to reverse what Metatron and Cas did, and I know I should understand that and support it, except they are psycho.
  • Jared Padalecki did an amazing job switching between Sam and Zeke.  There was enough of a difference to know what was up even before Dean did, but it wasn’t crazy obvious.
  • I may have cried at the look on Cas’ face when Dean told him he had to leave.  He just got to a home and now is getting kicked out.  Not only kicked out, but kicked out by the one person that always backs him up.
  • And finally– I think Sam took my advice and had a hair cut.


Look at that hair toss.

Did I miss any other red flags?  I’m worried about Cas, I’m worried about Dean, oh and Sam. And Kevin. And Crowley.  Hmmm I guess the only person I’m not horribly concerned about is Charlie which is the only reason I can think of that I’m not as excited as I thought I would be that Felicia Day is coming back next week.  The previews for that seem like it’s going to be a weird episode too.  We shall see.

Supernatural Recap: Devil May Care

Can I just start out saying that I love the new opening graphic? (Oh I should also take a moment and say that there WILL be spoilers in this post so if you haven’t watched last night’s episode you should go elsewhere). I love that they change the opener every season to reflect whatever big bad they are going to be dealing with that season and the angel wings are just enough messed up looking to remind you how messed up (most) angels are.  I’m going to post it again, just for fun.

Season 9 Supernatural

So they are all back together.  Sam, Dean, Kevin and Crowley and understandably Kevin is pissed that Crowley is not only alive, but hanging out in the bunker with them.  I think this is a moment that Sam and Dean show how much they have forgotten about normal people’s feelings.  Yes they can handle Crowley being in the other room, but I don’t know exactly how they expected Kevin to be cool with it.

OK enter Abaddon, with an awesome regeneration scene (I have to say her makeup and nails were rocking it for someone how had just been burnt to a crisp).  Do you know who scared me more than Abaddon though?  Scary-Demon-Grandma.  Seriously, “kids love grandmas”? Yeah I kinda wanted to vomit thinking about that creep going after little kids.  Abaddon is shaping up to be a pretty good big bad which has to be a hard thing to come up with now a days in Supernatural writers land.  I mean come on, they’ve killed a few badass demons, Lucifer, and the Leviathan to name a few.  They even in a sense beat the evil inside of themselves (kinda).  I’m interested to see how this pissing contest between her and Crowley ends up.  I’m assuming that he’s not going to be kept tied up much longer and then the real battle will start.  How cool would it be to see Crowley seeking their protection from Abaddon.  I think that’s what’s going to end up happening.  After all Crowley is a lesser evil.  Kinda doubting Kevin would be cool with that though.



Speaking of Kevin.  Wow. KevinFREAKIN’Solo was on point.  I thought the boys were screwed when they called Kevin for a cover story, but he got the job done with flair.  Now overall Kevin needs to have that kind of confidence about everything.  I know this isn’t what he would like to be doing, but there is no way that he could waltz back into his Ivy League life even if he had the chance.  As soon as he can accept that and accept that what he is doing is way more important than anything else he would have ever have been able to do the sooner he can be happy.

Now Crowley and Kevin in the bunker together was always a bad idea and I think turned out as best as it could have.  Of course Crowley was going to needle Kevin about his mom, about how messed up his life is, well about everything.  Once again I don’t think that the boys remember that Kevin isn’t a hunter.  He has seen a lot, but he’s still a young adult.  Best line of the exchange: “I torture all my friends.”  I’m sure Crowley does and maybe Crowley does think that they are friends.  Seriously wouldn’t surprise me.

The whole Abaddon battle was cool, but I knew the guys had it under control.  I kinda figured that Sam/Zeke would save the day (or as I will call him Sangel).  Surely Sam will start doubting all of this though and how pissed is he going to be when he realizes all the lies Dean is telling him.  Also the wings made me believe that maybe Zeke is telling the truth about not being healthy himself.  Feathers were falling out and he was not as impressive as Cas was the first time he showed off his wings.  Best line of the night? Dean talking to Sangel: “Zeke? ImmacallyouZeke.”


I actually was more on edge with what was happening with Kevin and Crowley, but I did really enjoy the exchange between Abaddon and Dean.  Mostly just because it reminded Dean (and us) that things could be worse.  And we got to look at Dean a lot.  Which is always awesome.


Crowley may not have won the quick escape, but he did plant seeds of doubt in Kevin.  Is his mom really dead?  If she’s alive why not let Crowley go to get her back?  Maybe he did make a deal with Crowley off camera and he’s just biding his time until he can get Crowley out of there.  I think Dean actually handled the situation he came back to well.  He reminded Kevin that he was family, that they were willing to die to keep him safe, and he tried to help him come to terms with his mom. BUT, and this is a huge BUT, once again Dean doesn’t put himself in Kevin’s place.  What if Crowley said something like that about Sam, or what if old Yellow Eyes had said something like that about their dad or mom a few years ago.  Dean and Sam would have dropped everything just to make sure that Crowley wasn’t telling the truth.  Can they not accept that Kevin would do the same?  I think Dean glossing over this is going to come back to bite him later.  All the feels between Kevin and Dean were overwhelming though.  Poor Kevin.  Poor Dean.  Really poor everyone at this point.  Well, I guess Garth is the only character that is chugging along happily.

We’ll see next week how Cas is doing. I’m guessing not well.  This season has started off with a bang and it has be excited to see what is going to happen next.  I’m loving it since I felt season eight was confusing and not up to the standards I expect from this show.  I have hopes that Zeke is really trying to help and wonder if he’ll make another appearance soon. (Maybe to speak to Cas?)

Top 10’s from the Supernatural Season 9 Premier

Season 9 Supernatural

Wow. This post is going to have crazy spoilers so if you haven’t seen the premier yet: STOP NOW!  You were warned.

OK to recap everything that was awesome about this episode:

  1. The cut that shows that Sam and Dean are not driving away from another disaster, but are in fact in the hospital
  2. Dean’s reaction to the doctor saying it was all in God’s hands and then his subsequent prayer to Cas
  3. Tahmoh Penikett.  I love this dude and was so excited when I saw that he was an angel.  Hopefully he’s not gone just because he’s now inside Sam. Yeah that sounds weird when you explain it like that
  4. Human Cas.  I don’t know that I can say more than that.  He was just amazing.
  5. Dean’s loyalty to Cas after everything that has happened– of course I don’t know that he would have even given up Crowley to someone who was beating the crap out of him.
  6. This kinda goes along with #4, but Cas’ escape from psycho angel girl was amazing.  I don’t think he could have done something like that without all the time he’s spent with the boys.  Kinda messed up that I was so happy he killed a teenager.
  7. Bobby. Bobby.  Bobby.  I wanted to cry when he told Sam he’d be waiting with a couple of cold ones.
  8. DEATH!  One of my favorite sequences ever on Supernatural is the first time they meet death.  This actor looks like death without being comical.  I was super excited to see him back last night.
  9. Cas’ laundromat struggles.  I will miss his trench-coat and tie combo, but loved that he recognized his human needs.  Too bad he spent that money on a bottle of water though.  I’m pretty sure he’s going to be hungry soon.
  10. Bobby.  Oh did I mention him before?  Yeah he needs another mention.  I was so happy this wasn’t just a weird ghost thing, but a legitimate reason for him to be back.

How I think Sam should cut his hair:

Swan Song

I don’t feel the urge to braid it at this length.

Questions I have:

  1. Is Ezekiel really who he says he is?  I’m thinking not, but how awesome would it be if he WAS and he received doubt and suspicion the whole season just to prove he is who he says he is.  I would love to see a good angel.  Probably not going to happen here.
  2. In that line of thought is Ezekiel really too weak to heal him?  How convenient that possession is the only way.
  3. Will the angels be any better than demons now that they have fallen?  Or perhaps it will make them want to help humans more after they see first hand the day to day struggles they go through.  Yeah probably not. Obviously something is up since psycho angel girl didn’t heal herself after the car crash.
  4. How pissed is Sam going to be when he finds out that Dean stuck and Angel in him?  OK maybe I know they answer to this question, but WOW that is going to be ugly.
  5. Why didn’t Dean look to Crowley before he looked to the angels?  He was almost cured so surely he would be open to helping Sam out.
  6. Is Crowley really the King of Hell anymore?  I’m guessing he has been demoted.
  7. Did Death know that he wasn’t really going to take Sam?  He is mostly omnipotent so maybe that’s why he went personally.  I feel like he likes the Winchesters in his own way so maybe he just wanted to hang out for a bit.  No?  Still I feel like he probably knew what was going to happen.
  8. Will Cas be able to see that Sam has an angel inside him?  I’m guessing not now that his Grace is gone, but maybe that’s how Sam will find out.  As in Cas gets his Grace back and then realizes what Dean has done and announces it.
  9. When is Sam getting a hair cut?  Now I like my Jared Padalecki shaggy, but I feel like he’s crossing a line.  Like a mousse/blowdry line.   Please.  Trim it up.
  10. What is the plan with Crowley?  I really want to see him more and my favorite Crowley episodes were when he was working with the boys.  Yes he had his own agenda, but he makes a great bad-good guy.

Overall I thought this was a solid season premier which I have to say I didn’t feel the same with the start of season 8.  There is mystery with the whole angel inside Sam situation, a bunch of big bads in the corners (the angels, Abaddon, Crowley, etc), Cas of course needs help, but there isn’t the confusion we experienced last season with the whole Purgatory crap.  I’m excited to see where they go with this and if they try to tie up the loose ends from last season (Amelia and Benny) or if they are just going to disappear into oblivion like their half brother still stuck in hell.  What are your opinions?  Tell me in the comments after watching that clip of Death that I was talking about earlier.

Truly the best sequence in the show.