Supernatural Review: Captives: Another Round of Feels Please.

This post is even later than usual because besides being a mom, a seamstress and going back to the office part time I’ve also decided to become a band manager on the side.  Cause I go to bars?  Or maybe because I’m good at telling other people what to do.  Yep.  That’d be it.  Now back to it:

There are really two stories going on here so we’ll talk about them one at a time.  Let’s talk about Kevin first. Maybe it was all the extra stuff I’ve taken on, but I was completely taken by surprise with Kevin coming back.  Not having time to Google spoilers was quite fantastic in this instance.  So this was me:


and I have stated how messed up I was when Kevin died so I was pretty happy we had some closure on this subject.  Well as much closure as we can have about Kevin still being dead and proving that he was right and they should have gone and looked for him mom sooner. Cause maybe if they’d listened to Kevin for once he would have been able to find his mom before he died. Just sayin’. 

I also see this whole episode as a reminder that Crowley is not good.  Yes he helps the boys out periodically, but he is still, at his core, the King of Hell.  Dean needs this reminder more than any of us right now. I have to say I find it interesting that the same person that was once destined to be Michael’s vessel now has the Mark of Cain and is leaving desperate messages on the King of Hell’s voice mail.  He even defended Crowley to Sam about keeping Mrs. Tran and the others captive (btw– what about the 3rd captive?!) 

Sam and Dean are still on rocky ground and I really think Sam needs to watch out because Dean is going to be faced with killing Sam.  At least that’s my theory.  This time around it won’t be for some noble reason like during the apocalypse.  I was actually kinda thinking that Dean was going to bust out with some new Mark of Cain power or strength when he was being held captive by Crowley’s lackey.  I’m biding my time though because there can’t be some big development like taking on the Mark of Cain without some repercussions and some rewards.  

Yes, they made contact with Kevin, saved Mrs. Tran, killed some low level demon (which way to go Mrs. Tran), and reunited Kevin with his mom until he can cross over (and inexplicably ignored the 3rd.)

So many feels all around and all that, but all my sappy emotions were overshadowed by Sam acting like a 5 year old.  Really Sam?  You can’t make any overtures to mend things between you and Dean?


And what is Sam’s response to the ghost of the person that he technically killed?


He stormed out of the room.  He’s so mature or I’ve never wanted to slap such a handsome man so much in my life.  One or the other.


Now on to Castiel.  We see Cas still on his mission to find Metatron and fix what he messed up.  I was kind of surprised with the speed he was captured by Bartholomew’s guys and I was also surprised that he didn’t have a spare Angel Blade hidden in his coat.  Honestly I was more invested in the Kevin storyline than the Cas one, but I feel like what happened with Cas is going to be really important.   I mean besides the fact that he killed the head evil Angel, he now has followers.  Will he be able to redeem himself after all the things he’s messed up? (Leviathan, killing a ton of Angel’s previously, and then closing Heaven to name a few).  I really hope so.  I love Cas and he is the hero that Heaven needs.  

I think that Cas now has the experience and the restraint to actually be the perfect leader for Heaven.  Using the show’s logic perhaps God was testing Cas this whole time, leading him to this moment.  In real life that’s a horrible idea, but in Supernatural world it makes me excited to see how much Cas has developed since his introduction years ago.


I’ll end this by answering a question that my little brother asked.  Or at least answering it according to Tumblr.  The pink and black iPod (knockoff) that Dean was jamming to at the end with his Beatz by Dre?  You remember that kinda odd random moment?  Tumblr people have theorized that that is Charlie’s iPod and that’s why it’s pink.  I can accept this logic.



Supernatural “Road Trip” Is it all Dean’s fault?

These boys don’t know how to let go do they?  OK let me rephrase:  Dean doesn’t know how to let go of Sam.  Season 1 their dad sells his soul to save Dean and leaves Dean wracked with guilt. Then in season 2 Dean sells his soul to bring Sam back from the dead and then they spend a bunch of time trying to fix that.  Oh wait, then his whole “getting dragged to hell” thing caused even more issues.  Yet, while Dean was in Hell and during “Mystery Spot” were the only times that Sam really worked to get Dean back.  My theory? It hurts too much.  Or perhaps Sam has decided it hurts others too much.


Dean’s visit to hell caused the Apocalypse and Sam’s visit to Hell caused him to be a soulless jerk for over a year.  Now his Gadreel possession has cost Kevin Tran his life.  (From the view of the writers though, Kevin had to die in order to get Crowley back out there.  There is no way that Kevin would have agreed to letting Crowley go).  I will say that the desire to stay alive has cost the world and both the boys so much and if I was Sam I’d be questioning this as well. (Now don’t get me wrong– I love this show and don’t want the boys to die, but I can see why they would want to die).

OK getting back to this episode though Kevin is dead, Dean is left to deal with the guilt and clean up the mess.  Then of course make some more mess with a very manly display of anger.  The interactions between Dean and Cas this episode are pretty great though.  It’s nice to see them back together not (really) keeping secrets from each other and working towards a goal.

Cas supports Dean even though really Dean did screw a bunch of crap up. Usually we see Dean in this position.  After all Cas tried to become God and then screwed up even worse by trying to make amends for all the wrong he did.  Which made his comments to Dean mean that much more meaningful.

Dean didn’t really buy it, but it was at least enough to get him working towards a goal again. Which brings us back to Gadreel.

Part of me feels sorry for Gadreel.  He is getting played hardcore by Metatron. I can’t help but think that if Metatron hadn’t come along and fed him a bunch of crap that Gadreel really would have healed Sam and then moved along.  My hope?  That Gadreel will realize how full of it Metatron is and will take him out.  That would slightly make up for what he has done to Dean, Sam and Kevin.  Slightly. Just a tiny bit.

Surely he has to be second guessing his choices.  I predict that killing his friend will eat away at him and this will start him on the road to take down Metatron. After all who can forget this face?

Moving on.  I loooooove, love, love Crowley as the good bad guy and it looks like we are going to see even more of this.  On a side note I think this show does an amazing job with the image of the demon and angel possessions.  This moment was pretty cool to watch:

and also this line:

Look at Dean, trying so hard to make it right, yet still get his way.  I never had a doubt that as soon as Sam realized what was going on that he would be able to kick Gadreel out.  I wonder if now that he’s not possessed if he will be able to shed light on Gadreel’s real personality and if he will remember what Metatron did  and said to control him.  The boys break ups never lasts too long so I’m sure we’ll find out soon.

I will also be judging how Sam handles what Dean did and what Dean said when he left him.  Dean would have gotten angry, stormed off, and then gone and found Sam again and done whatever it took to make sure that he was OK.  Will Sam walk away and leave Dean to his depression?  They are obviously back together by the next episode, but I wonder who initiated that contact.

Now to address the Crowley/Abaddon dynamic. All I will say is Crowley will crush her and I will enjoy watching every second.  Anyone that says otherwise is selling something.

I also enjoyed this graphic:


This season is such a huge improvement over season 8 that it makes me super excited to see what is coming next and I can’t even express how excited I am to see that Tahmoh Penikett looks like he is going to be back for a while.  I loved him on Dollhouse (and Smallville) and am excited to see what he brings to Gadreel.  I know we are going to be introduced to Cain (as in Cain and Able) this season AND they are planning a spin off around episode 20 (which makes me half excited and half apprehensive).  I think we are going to keep seeing this season get better and things are always better when Crowley is helping them out.

Is it Tuesday yet?

Supernatural Review: I’m No Angel


I love love love Human Cas. I love that he would be dead if it wasn’t for his living outside the lines with the boys. I love that he calls himself Clarence (let me cry a little for Meg). I love that he’s having to deal with things that he’s always been confused by, like hunger, sleep, cleanliness and other bodily functions (do you ever get tired of urinating?) I also love that he’s still naive.  I mean seriously who else would believe that a nice girl would bring home a bum, clean his knife wounds, give him a massage (along with a happy ending) and something not be up? Especially he knows the other angels are after him.  However I buy it because it is so very Cas to trust this sweet looking girl just because.


Yeah how did that work out Cas?

How about Dean’s lines this season?  Holy crap he’s hilarious.  Well, a very funny guy that is going to get caught lying very soon. His satisfied smirk after he tells a really good lie isn’t helping matters.  Sam isn’t going to keep buying that he got knocked out and Dean made it happen very quickly.  I’m surprised he’s believed it this long.  Surely he suspects that something is up now.  Now that brings us up to Sangel healing Cas.  I really think the only reason Zeke did this was because he saw Dean breaking down looking at Cas’ body and wants to keep him on his side to achieve whatever crazy thing he’s using Dean for.  I still believe that Zeke really does need Sam’s body to heal and that he’s helping Sam by being in there, I also think he set himself back by fixing Cas.

That being said I definitely think that something is up with Zeke.  Yes everyone is after Cas, but if he’s just hanging out in the bunker there is no way that he can get caught.  If Reapers could find people in the bunker then they would have found Kevin Tran by now.  I find his reason to make Cas leave crap and I’m dying for Dean to call him on it.  However, I’m afraid he’s too worried that Zeke is going to leave Sam high and dry and will actually follow through with the Cas eviction.  OK so here’s my big question,  You have the KING OF HELL in your dungeon!  How about getting his help with Sam?? Not necessarily go through with it, but see if he’ll deal and then let Zeke know that if he doesn’t stick to the original plan he has someone else to fix everything.  Granted Kevin probably isn’t going to be cool with it, but Kevin isn’t cool with anything to do with Crowley.  How about seriously figure out any better plan than this one.  Angels are bad news.  Period. You know this Dean.

Other things about this episode:

  • There was a serious lack of Kevin Tran although reading @OsricChau ‘s tweets almost made up for that
  • Cas was shirtless quite a bit and although that isn’t Sam shirtless– it’s still awesome
  • The televangelist was so creepy.  Well maybe creepy isn’t the right term, sleazy? slimy? Hmmm I say creepy because he seriously thought he was helping people and then rationalized away seeing that girl explode like it was nothing.
  • The angels seem to just want to reverse what Metatron and Cas did, and I know I should understand that and support it, except they are psycho.
  • Jared Padalecki did an amazing job switching between Sam and Zeke.  There was enough of a difference to know what was up even before Dean did, but it wasn’t crazy obvious.
  • I may have cried at the look on Cas’ face when Dean told him he had to leave.  He just got to a home and now is getting kicked out.  Not only kicked out, but kicked out by the one person that always backs him up.
  • And finally– I think Sam took my advice and had a hair cut.


Look at that hair toss.

Did I miss any other red flags?  I’m worried about Cas, I’m worried about Dean, oh and Sam. And Kevin. And Crowley.  Hmmm I guess the only person I’m not horribly concerned about is Charlie which is the only reason I can think of that I’m not as excited as I thought I would be that Felicia Day is coming back next week.  The previews for that seem like it’s going to be a weird episode too.  We shall see.

Supernatural Recap: Devil May Care

Can I just start out saying that I love the new opening graphic? (Oh I should also take a moment and say that there WILL be spoilers in this post so if you haven’t watched last night’s episode you should go elsewhere). I love that they change the opener every season to reflect whatever big bad they are going to be dealing with that season and the angel wings are just enough messed up looking to remind you how messed up (most) angels are.  I’m going to post it again, just for fun.

Season 9 Supernatural

So they are all back together.  Sam, Dean, Kevin and Crowley and understandably Kevin is pissed that Crowley is not only alive, but hanging out in the bunker with them.  I think this is a moment that Sam and Dean show how much they have forgotten about normal people’s feelings.  Yes they can handle Crowley being in the other room, but I don’t know exactly how they expected Kevin to be cool with it.

OK enter Abaddon, with an awesome regeneration scene (I have to say her makeup and nails were rocking it for someone how had just been burnt to a crisp).  Do you know who scared me more than Abaddon though?  Scary-Demon-Grandma.  Seriously, “kids love grandmas”? Yeah I kinda wanted to vomit thinking about that creep going after little kids.  Abaddon is shaping up to be a pretty good big bad which has to be a hard thing to come up with now a days in Supernatural writers land.  I mean come on, they’ve killed a few badass demons, Lucifer, and the Leviathan to name a few.  They even in a sense beat the evil inside of themselves (kinda).  I’m interested to see how this pissing contest between her and Crowley ends up.  I’m assuming that he’s not going to be kept tied up much longer and then the real battle will start.  How cool would it be to see Crowley seeking their protection from Abaddon.  I think that’s what’s going to end up happening.  After all Crowley is a lesser evil.  Kinda doubting Kevin would be cool with that though.



Speaking of Kevin.  Wow. KevinFREAKIN’Solo was on point.  I thought the boys were screwed when they called Kevin for a cover story, but he got the job done with flair.  Now overall Kevin needs to have that kind of confidence about everything.  I know this isn’t what he would like to be doing, but there is no way that he could waltz back into his Ivy League life even if he had the chance.  As soon as he can accept that and accept that what he is doing is way more important than anything else he would have ever have been able to do the sooner he can be happy.

Now Crowley and Kevin in the bunker together was always a bad idea and I think turned out as best as it could have.  Of course Crowley was going to needle Kevin about his mom, about how messed up his life is, well about everything.  Once again I don’t think that the boys remember that Kevin isn’t a hunter.  He has seen a lot, but he’s still a young adult.  Best line of the exchange: “I torture all my friends.”  I’m sure Crowley does and maybe Crowley does think that they are friends.  Seriously wouldn’t surprise me.

The whole Abaddon battle was cool, but I knew the guys had it under control.  I kinda figured that Sam/Zeke would save the day (or as I will call him Sangel).  Surely Sam will start doubting all of this though and how pissed is he going to be when he realizes all the lies Dean is telling him.  Also the wings made me believe that maybe Zeke is telling the truth about not being healthy himself.  Feathers were falling out and he was not as impressive as Cas was the first time he showed off his wings.  Best line of the night? Dean talking to Sangel: “Zeke? ImmacallyouZeke.”


I actually was more on edge with what was happening with Kevin and Crowley, but I did really enjoy the exchange between Abaddon and Dean.  Mostly just because it reminded Dean (and us) that things could be worse.  And we got to look at Dean a lot.  Which is always awesome.


Crowley may not have won the quick escape, but he did plant seeds of doubt in Kevin.  Is his mom really dead?  If she’s alive why not let Crowley go to get her back?  Maybe he did make a deal with Crowley off camera and he’s just biding his time until he can get Crowley out of there.  I think Dean actually handled the situation he came back to well.  He reminded Kevin that he was family, that they were willing to die to keep him safe, and he tried to help him come to terms with his mom. BUT, and this is a huge BUT, once again Dean doesn’t put himself in Kevin’s place.  What if Crowley said something like that about Sam, or what if old Yellow Eyes had said something like that about their dad or mom a few years ago.  Dean and Sam would have dropped everything just to make sure that Crowley wasn’t telling the truth.  Can they not accept that Kevin would do the same?  I think Dean glossing over this is going to come back to bite him later.  All the feels between Kevin and Dean were overwhelming though.  Poor Kevin.  Poor Dean.  Really poor everyone at this point.  Well, I guess Garth is the only character that is chugging along happily.

We’ll see next week how Cas is doing. I’m guessing not well.  This season has started off with a bang and it has be excited to see what is going to happen next.  I’m loving it since I felt season eight was confusing and not up to the standards I expect from this show.  I have hopes that Zeke is really trying to help and wonder if he’ll make another appearance soon. (Maybe to speak to Cas?)