Supernatural: Inside Man. The Return of My Blog! Ummm I Mean the Return of Bobby!

I’ve fallen behind and look like a slacker. I have perfectly good reasons that I missed two weeks, but in an effort to not be a Debbie Downer I will skip the excuses and go right to talking about some Supernatural.

Let me just start out that I’m so excited that “The Gambler” is now in the Supernatural soundtrack. It’s totally something that Bobby would be jamming out to in Heaven. It’s been a nice vacation for Bobby, but I wonder if he’ll be happy hanging out in Heaven now that he’s gotten back in the game. And now knows where his escape hatch is. BTW where is his wife?  Are you telling me Bobby is sitting around reading Tori and Dean, drinking whiskey and his wife is not hanging out with him baking pies?

We also get to see a BA Sam running around trying to protect Dean who turns out to be having some kind of Mark induced nightmare about killing Sam. Which was just pitiful to watch. Of course that just firms up Sam’s resolve to go through with his latest plan to get rid of the Mark. Let me mention once again that they just need a witch to make Dean as old as he was the day before he took the Mark and they’d be set. But, evidently I’m the only one that’s thought of that solution. Sam is now working an angle that will involve Metatron (cause that’s always a good idea).

Sam’s excuse to get away from Dean seemed a little transparent to me and I’m assuming Dean knew that he was up to something. He knows Sam hasn’t given up yet. Although a mime that thinks he’s a cockroach totally sounds like a French movie. Sam gets Cas reluctantly on board with the Metatron idea and they go to try to get him out for the day.

Crowley is still having an odd relationship with his mother (who is for some odd reason painting satanic symbols on her body– that’s always a good sign). I truly don’t understand that relationship. And seriously– Rowena would not date a Trent from Biggersons– she’s way more high maintenance then that.

We see Dean setting up pranks for Sam’s return and Castiel somehow flirting with Hannah– while she’s inside a rather hairy dude. Hannah shoots them down though and they work out a plan to break Metatron out of Heaven. This idea is getting more and more messed up.

Yeah– no sadness in those eyes

We next see Rowena and head switch board demon interact (which was kindly brought to us by Microsoft– in a fashion that made us seriously aware of it) and Rowena is trying to track down the Bunker. She manages to narrow it down to a small area and is going after Dean.

Dean quickly becomes bored with hanging out alone at the Bunker so does the obvious thing and goes out drinking. Cause Dean. Which quickly leads to him hustling pool. Cause Dean. This whole interaction was one of my favorite parts of the episode- Dean wise- because we see him doing what he knows how to do and has always done when they didn’t have a case. Yes Dean takes advantage of some bratty college kids, but they were definitely willing to take advantage of him so it all evens out. Deans sly smile right before he killed them in pool– it was priceless.

Back to Sam and Cas they have tracked down a psychic to help communicate with Bobby in an effort to break Metatron out of Heaven. This is a pretty smart move for a dude that can’t figure out the whole witch curse thing.  As expected he’s been living in seclusion to avoid listening to everyone’s thoughts (evidently he hadn’t read the Twilight series–I’m probably totally kidding). One of the best lines of the night:

Really the whole interaction with the mind reader was great. It allowed Sam to be intimidating without actually having to threaten. Plus the mind reader called Metatron a Hobbit– which is a pretty accurate description. You know he has hair on his toes that will never fall out.

So now we have Sam and Cas talking to Bobby explaining the situation while Rowena has tracked down Dean and turned the college kids on him with a spell.  Dean shows once again that he’s in control of the Mark. I get that Sam is seeing Dean while he’s asleep and vulnerable and it’s freaking him out, but I don’t think he’s giving him enough credit for not killing everything/one that attacks him. I’m impressed he didn’t kill those college boys– although a pool ball to the head probably isn’t going to help that one kid’s GPA. Dean is trying to hold onto control and yeah he’s losing it some (his black eyes in the mirror), but he’s holding on to it even more than I could have expected.

Bobby is now up to speed with everything and is up to doing whatever he can to help Sam and Cas get Metatron out. Which still seems like such a horrible idea up to this point.This small glimpse at Bobby makes me miss him even more though and I hope they keep him around. Surely he could help fix the Angel situation from the inside. Think about it, Bobby and all the other hunters could find a way to fix this situation if the angel’s would bring them in on it.

Back to Dean and Rowena– after Dean subdues all the guys Rowena casts a spell at Dean that should have killed him, but of course the Mark protects him and shocks Rowena in the process. It was very reminiscent of when Sam was attacked by Lilith.

Who’s with me that Katie Cassidy looked better as a demon than as the Black Canary?

Rowena then proceeds to cut herself up and try to blame it on Dean. Crowley then made me sooo happy. He finally decided to not buy what his mom was trying to sell him. Dean is right that Crowley has gotten weaker. He would have killed his mother before he had been tortured by Sam. I do find it amusing that Dean is the one giving Crowley a pep talk on how to be more evil. Whatever it takes though. I’m ready for Crowley to come back in force. This scene was the best talk through emotions that these guys have had in a long time. I’m glad Dean finally reminded Crowley that Dean is more family to him than his horrible mom. Favorite moment of this scene: Crowley’s drink. Least favorite: There were a lot of slurpy noises while they drank.

Really Crowley? I’m glad you’ve caught up with everyone else.

Bobby manages to open up the door to Heaven allowing Cas to sneak in and sneak out with Metatron. Metatron makes it out thinking that he has the upper hand and that he is going to figure out a way to run away. Well Crowley might no longer be in charge, but Cas sure knows what he’s doing. Cas steals his Grace and Sam shoots him in the leg. First question: Why did none of the other angels take away his grace before? That would have made keeping him prisoner much easier. Metatron’s claim that he still has some of Cas’ Grace makes me wonder if they’ll be able to fix Cas for good and fix Heaven.

Finally Crowley steps up to his mom and kicks her out and sets her straight. It’s a little scary that he let her leave to do whatever she wants, but I’m at least glad she’s not feeding him poisonous lies anymore. I’ll take the little victory.

We round this episode out with both the boys lying to each other and pretending that nothing big just happened. Of course we got a tear jerker moment getting to watch Sam read a letter from Bobby. Bobby of course speaks the truth and shows his common sense that Dean needs to know what’s going on. Even if he’s not going along with it they shouldn’t be lying to each other.

Yes Bobby, yes it is.

Questions: What are the Angels going to do to Bobby?

Problems: This season overall has been enjoyable to me, but I’m over this Angel story line how it’s going right now. Something needs to change. We need a big bad that’s not an Angel.

Supernatural: Rock and a Hard Place (That’s What She Said)

This episode had all the earmarks of being a crappy episode.  They promo’d it like it was going to be a dragon episode and in my opinion the one dragon episode was enough for forever.  It was one of my least favorite.  However, I seriously laughed, hard, numerous times during this one.  Sheriff Mills was a nice return.  I enjoyed seeing her character again as I always thought she was a down to earth dose of reality every now and then.  I did think there was something missing not having Bobby there to balance her out, but I think all of us miss having Bobby around.  Always.

OK I try to not do a play by play recap so here are the things that stuck out to me:

Why haven’t they asked Cas to read the spell yet?  They mention in the beginning of the episode that they wonder if Crowley is lying about the spell not being reversible.  How about you ask the other person that you know that can read dead languages??    If it says it’s irreversible Cas isn’t going to be any worse off than he already is and they will know for sure.  Really they don’t seem all that concerned with getting Cas’s grace back and getting the angels in heaven.  Which doesn’t make sense to me unless Zeke is purposefully distracting them.  (Don’t worry I’m coming back to our friendly parasite angel in a moment).

Also I miss Kevin. That is all.

Dean pretending to be ashamed that he wasn’t a virgin anymore was great (“I don’t think we can really unring that bell” and “So you just hit the virginity redo button and alls good with the man upstairs?”).  I thought the scene in the abstinence support group was predictable, but it was still freaking hilarious.  His enthusiasm throughout this whole episode was perfect.  I like when Dean is happy Dean instead of brooding sad Dean (don’t get me wrong, brooding is fun too).

Nothing and I mean nothing in this episode was as funny as Dean figuring out who Susie from the support group was (although the description of the engaged couple’s sex was great).  He was star struck.  His meeting her in his world was to me like me getting to meet him in the real world.  Except I wouldn’t have been so smooth.  “That scene with the tacos.”  I don’t think that even if he’d known that he was going to get locked in a dungeon he would have been able to stop himself.

They really drove home the point that Sam is still not OK.  Between the nap at the beginning, Jodi bringing up that he looked like crap and then the big bad wondering out loud how he was still alive.  Yeah I think that’s going to play a part in next week’s mid season finale.

And that brings us to Zeke (Imma call you Zeke)– he seriously freaked me out when he switched over as Dean was about to tell him what was up.  It seemed less like he was protecting Sam and more like a threat to Dean.  I can kinda see that he keeps saving people left and right and hasn’t had time to heal, but I also still worry that Zeke isn’t really healing Sam, but just being a parasite.  I won’t lie.  Next week’s preview has me thinking more and more that way.  Of course the preview for this one was misleading so maybe Zeke is holding Dean back to protect him.

Lastly, they didn’t load Jodi’s car for her or help her with the doors?  It’s not like she got stabbed by a goddess or anything.  Oh wait. . .

Over all this was a solid episode.  They moved the plot along, had a monster to defeat and still kept it funny.  Maybe next week Sam will finally figure out Zeke is in him on his own and maybe we will get to see Kevin again.  I can hope.  I do think that the feels will abound.

Top 10’s from the Supernatural Season 9 Premier

Season 9 Supernatural

Wow. This post is going to have crazy spoilers so if you haven’t seen the premier yet: STOP NOW!  You were warned.

OK to recap everything that was awesome about this episode:

  1. The cut that shows that Sam and Dean are not driving away from another disaster, but are in fact in the hospital
  2. Dean’s reaction to the doctor saying it was all in God’s hands and then his subsequent prayer to Cas
  3. Tahmoh Penikett.  I love this dude and was so excited when I saw that he was an angel.  Hopefully he’s not gone just because he’s now inside Sam. Yeah that sounds weird when you explain it like that
  4. Human Cas.  I don’t know that I can say more than that.  He was just amazing.
  5. Dean’s loyalty to Cas after everything that has happened– of course I don’t know that he would have even given up Crowley to someone who was beating the crap out of him.
  6. This kinda goes along with #4, but Cas’ escape from psycho angel girl was amazing.  I don’t think he could have done something like that without all the time he’s spent with the boys.  Kinda messed up that I was so happy he killed a teenager.
  7. Bobby. Bobby.  Bobby.  I wanted to cry when he told Sam he’d be waiting with a couple of cold ones.
  8. DEATH!  One of my favorite sequences ever on Supernatural is the first time they meet death.  This actor looks like death without being comical.  I was super excited to see him back last night.
  9. Cas’ laundromat struggles.  I will miss his trench-coat and tie combo, but loved that he recognized his human needs.  Too bad he spent that money on a bottle of water though.  I’m pretty sure he’s going to be hungry soon.
  10. Bobby.  Oh did I mention him before?  Yeah he needs another mention.  I was so happy this wasn’t just a weird ghost thing, but a legitimate reason for him to be back.

How I think Sam should cut his hair:

Swan Song

I don’t feel the urge to braid it at this length.

Questions I have:

  1. Is Ezekiel really who he says he is?  I’m thinking not, but how awesome would it be if he WAS and he received doubt and suspicion the whole season just to prove he is who he says he is.  I would love to see a good angel.  Probably not going to happen here.
  2. In that line of thought is Ezekiel really too weak to heal him?  How convenient that possession is the only way.
  3. Will the angels be any better than demons now that they have fallen?  Or perhaps it will make them want to help humans more after they see first hand the day to day struggles they go through.  Yeah probably not. Obviously something is up since psycho angel girl didn’t heal herself after the car crash.
  4. How pissed is Sam going to be when he finds out that Dean stuck and Angel in him?  OK maybe I know they answer to this question, but WOW that is going to be ugly.
  5. Why didn’t Dean look to Crowley before he looked to the angels?  He was almost cured so surely he would be open to helping Sam out.
  6. Is Crowley really the King of Hell anymore?  I’m guessing he has been demoted.
  7. Did Death know that he wasn’t really going to take Sam?  He is mostly omnipotent so maybe that’s why he went personally.  I feel like he likes the Winchesters in his own way so maybe he just wanted to hang out for a bit.  No?  Still I feel like he probably knew what was going to happen.
  8. Will Cas be able to see that Sam has an angel inside him?  I’m guessing not now that his Grace is gone, but maybe that’s how Sam will find out.  As in Cas gets his Grace back and then realizes what Dean has done and announces it.
  9. When is Sam getting a hair cut?  Now I like my Jared Padalecki shaggy, but I feel like he’s crossing a line.  Like a mousse/blowdry line.   Please.  Trim it up.
  10. What is the plan with Crowley?  I really want to see him more and my favorite Crowley episodes were when he was working with the boys.  Yes he had his own agenda, but he makes a great bad-good guy.

Overall I thought this was a solid season premier which I have to say I didn’t feel the same with the start of season 8.  There is mystery with the whole angel inside Sam situation, a bunch of big bads in the corners (the angels, Abaddon, Crowley, etc), Cas of course needs help, but there isn’t the confusion we experienced last season with the whole Purgatory crap.  I’m excited to see where they go with this and if they try to tie up the loose ends from last season (Amelia and Benny) or if they are just going to disappear into oblivion like their half brother still stuck in hell.  What are your opinions?  Tell me in the comments after watching that clip of Death that I was talking about earlier.

Truly the best sequence in the show.