Supernatural: Paper Moon. The boys are back!


Well, where were we? Oh yeah– Dean is cured (mostly) and they are back to their old routine (mostly). Of course we know that sitting by the lake and drinking beers isn’t going to last long with the boys no matter what they’ve been through. So we assume they’ve been “relaxing” for at least a few days and are getting antsy. We do get to see the boys bonding again which we haven’t seen in much longer than I feel comfortable with. As expected though just a few minutes into their talk Dean brings up a possible case (which Sam obviously had already noticed as well). I get that Dean needs to work to feel normal again and I buy that Sam understands this too.

I’d like to take a moment to mention that if it’s been a while since you’ve seen “Bitten” (Season 8 Episode 4) I recommend going back and watching it (before this new episode if you can, or if you’ve already watched it go back and watch the old episode so you can see all the things you missed). That’s where Kate is from (the werewolf that they almost kill at the beginning of this episode). They let Kate go because it seemed like she could manage out in the world without hurting anyone. This whole premise of letting monsters go that are trying to be good is something that the boys have been struggling with for a while. They both seem to go back and forth on the subject (Dean killed Amy Pond even though Sam wanted her to live and Sam wanted to kill Benny even though Dean backed him up— speaking of Benny– will we ever see him again? Cause that’d be cool). Bitten was one of my favorite episodes in Season 8– which really isn’t saying a lot because Season 8 was weird, but this episode was good on any standard. It was interesting and different so I’m glad they revisited this character.

Quickly into their interrogation it becomes clear that Kate probably isn’t to blame or at least isn’t working alone (and Kate manages to break away which I blame either on their rusty hunting skills or their desire to trust her on some level). Kate runs away and Dean and Sam get to have a heart to heart in the Impala on the way to where they think she ran off to. This scene shows not only what we’ve been missing, but how so much has changed. Sam blows off Dean’s concern about Lester (remember creeper dude that Dean killed while he was a demon?) and seems truly puzzled that Dean is concerned about guilt over this scumbag’s death. No matter how bad Lester is Sam has always been the one that didn’t want to kill humans (well except when he was soulless Sam, but that was understandable). I think both boys are equally guilty as far as Lester is concerned and maybe they are both trying to blame the other as far as all that baggage so that way they don’t have to face any of their own inner demons (hehe).

It appears that they’ve caught up with Kate when surprise surprise it wasn’t Kate, but Kate’s sister who happens to also be a werewolf and a werewolf that tries to kill the boys. Kate saves her and fills in the boys and even Sam wants to take care of her. (Let me take a moment to also say how happy I am to see Dean with his gun again. He’s been favoring his stabby weapons lately and seeing him with his pearl handled gun is great). Kate really seems to have everything in her own life under control, but it’s obvious that her sister, Tasha, is enjoying being a werewolf to the fullest. It’s also obvious to everyone but Kate that she’s out of control. I can’t say I blame Kate for wanting to believe the best in her sister. She turned her to save her life and the boys have done some crazy things to save each other so I can understand Kate wanting to help her sister.

Dean feeds her a line about how he can cure them and that she needs to take Dean to her so that he can fix their problem. Now this is a load of crap, but Kate believes it and leads them to their rendezvous point. Kate falls asleep and we get to see the boys have another talk. Seriously this is the best their relationship has been since probably Season 3. Sam admits to doing things he’s not proud of and Dean makes a few smartass comments, but mostly lets Sam know he understands what he was going through and even THANKS him for saving his life. Damn it’s nice to have my boys back.

Dean very smoothly breaks the news to Kate that there isn’t a cure (or handcuffs her to the steering wheel) and then goes up to the house with Sam to take care of Tasha. Kate is still in denial about how bad Tasha is and Dean says something that really stuck out to me. He says, “No, Tasha is in too deep. You don’t come back from that. Not ever.” Well I’m going to go ahead and say that being a demon with the Mark of Cain on you is about as deep as you can get. I’m assuming this is foreshadowing some rocky times ahead, but I’m just going to dwell on the good stuff for the moment. Dean has consistently  called Sam, Sammy this season and along with it being another thing I love, I feel like he’s trying to hold onto his humanity through his brother.

Now insert twist. Tasha not only has gone way overboard, but has also turned a few friends in an effort to start her own pack.I’m surprised with the lack of fight that the boys put up. I mean really, Dean killed a whole coven of vampires alone and Sam just got off of a demon/monster killing spree. So their next actions are pretty awesome. Seemingly beaten Dean and Sam play the guys holding them into getting close enough to stab them quickly in the heart. So yeah that’s awesome.

While the boys are killing their own werewolves Kate is busy having a conversation with her sister and then subtly stabs her in the heart as well. I’m really happy that Kate took care of Tasha. I don’t think that she could have forgiven the guys if they had taken her out without Kate getting to try to get her under control herself. She runs off and later calls the boys to settle everything with them. I do want good things for Kate. She truly wants to do the right thing despite her issues.

Dean rounds off the episode by admitting that maybe he isn’t ready to hunt, but that he “just wants to do the right thing man, because I’m sick and tired of doing the wrong thing”. So yep, this episode has officially pushed this episode into awesome territory. Coming up we have the 200th episode (holy crap) and it looks to be one of the awesome funny/weird/out in left field episodes that everyone loves.

Supernatural: Black. The one where Crowley is the most human of the bunch.

Well here we are at the season 10 premier and as it is with many season premiers the boys are separated. However, unlike previous seasons they aren’t together by the end of the episode.

We start out the episode watching Sam going crazy looking for Dean (but not quite as crazy as he was when Dean was in hell or when Dean was killed for 6 months by the Trickster. Still he’s pushing boundaries and not letting much stop him from trying to find out where Dean is.


The most concerning part of this opening sequence isn’t Sam slicing into demons or losing sleep trying to find a lead, but watching how sick Castiel is now. Yeah we knew that his grace situation was definitely lacking, but no one likes seeing Cas dying in a nasty flop house (btw why isn’t he staying with Sam? Have I forgotten something?). Sam has gone dark before, but Cas doesn’t get a cold much.

Switch to Crowley and Dean living life to the fullest. Just the exchange between Crowley and Dean says so much. They exchange the boys signature bickering phrase (Jerk/Bitch) and then are seen playing crappy pool hall games. You put this scene together with the conversation Crowley has with Sam later and I think we get to the root of all that is going on. Crowley states more than once about how much fun he’s having with Dean and vice versa. Did he get Dean to take the Mark just so that they could be bffs? It sure seems like it from where I’m sitting.  I also have a theory that he’s sending the other demons to attack Dean to make his change even more concrete. It never hurts that Dean is probably making a name for himself and a BAMF in all the demon circles.

Cas’s story this episode doesn’t sit well with me. It’s not just because he’s not on his A game it’s because he’s willing to kill another angel to get him to obey Heaven.  Since when has Cas been an angel that listens to Heaven.  Any time he is that kinda angel it usually ends very badly. I just feel like he’s still being manipulated and you’d think by now Castiel would be wise to such tactics.

Wait– I thought we were ignoring the whole Amelia story line.

The other thing that doesn’t sit well with me is how easily Sam gets fooled by creepy Army dude. I mean seriously– his car suspiciously breaks down on a dark abandoned road while he’s on his way to track down Dean (which he knows Crowley knows he’s coming) and doesn’t doubt the intentions of a guy that pulls up immediately behind him to help? Where’s his gun? Where’s his automobile know how?  The Impala might be Dean’s, but he’s been around it long enough to know how a car works. It just seemed too convenient a trap and something that Sam wouldn’t have been caught unawares about.

The episode wraps up with Sam zip tied to a chair about to die and crazy army dude frustrated that Dean doesn’t seem to care about it (btw– Sam had Dean’s number this whole time?). Dean just drives off alone promising CAD his eventual death and seems to genuinely not care if Sam lives or dies.

Well. Isn’t that nice.

Not only are the boys at odds they don’t seem to be kissing and making up anytime soon. Will Dean be cured? Will Crowley get his way and have Dean at his right hand in Hell? Will Sam be killed (ummm no) and will Cas die from lack of grace (no please?)?

Well even with my questions one thing is for sure: Season 10 is setting up to be pretty amazing and I’m definitely excited to see what is coming.

Supernatural “Blade Runners” and “Mother’s Little Helper”


I know, I know, I’m falling behind.  Besides being a mom, and a seamstress, and a property manager, oh and a band manager I’m also the volunteer coordinator for some area beer festivals.  So I’ve been knee deep in festival organization lately and although I’ve gotten to watch I haven’t had the time to write anything.  So here’s my catch up article.

“Blade Runners” accomplished many things plot wise.  First off we finally got to see Crowley get back in action. His struggle with his human nature is interesting, but not as interesting as Dean becoming increasingly disturbed.  Crowley’s desire for approval from Dean and Sam throughout the episode was slightly pitiful to watch.  However I didn’t blame him at all for taking the first blade away at the end of the episode and threatening the boys.  Here’s my question though:  Why kill Crowley?  Abaddon has shown what the other options look like for the ruler of Hell so why not stick with the Devil you know?  Is Crowley a bad guy?  Yes.  But aren’t the other options worse? Why not accept the King of Hell that you can actually work with every now and then?

Also Magnus proved to me definitively that The Men of Letters are just as big of douches as the Angels. I am not sad that Dean chopped off his head even if it did speed along his crazy that much faster.

He just has a head meant for chopping off.

Sam doing everything he could to get into save Dean tells me that he’s moving towards the realization that he needs to forgive Dean for saving him with Gadreel.  I can now officially call crap on his act that Dean is just a partner to work with and nothing more.  That was panic on his face when he got thrown out of the house.

Now to move on to “Mother’s Little Helper.”  There is so much I love about this episode.  On the basic level I loved that the “monster of the week” played into the main plot.  The middle seasons did this the best and I love it when this works out.  It feels more cohesive that way.  After all if they are searching for the big bad it makes sense that pieces of the big bad would cross their path.  Some of my favorite episodes have the boys doing their thing and then having issues with a part of the big bad of the season (When the meet War when the go help the other hunters, all the manipulation they encountered while going against Yellow Eyes, etc.)

Dean jonesing for the First Blade is remarkably similar to Sam’s hunger for demon blood.  That being said I hope that Sam can empathize with Dean’s struggle instead of being all judgey like Dean himself was.  Sam is also getting a taste of how much it sucks for your brother to be all douchey.  The exchange between Sam and Dean when Sam leaves to go on a hunt was satisfying.  I really think Sam thought he could pitch a fit, ignore Dean and then finally see Dean crawl back apologizing.  But of course in reality what we are seeing is that while Sam was on his period Dean accepted the Mark of Cain and pretty much agreed to become a monster himself (I wonder if he’ll ask Sam to kill him because of this? After all he usually takes a hard line on monsters).

I know it’s all very deliberate, but it will be interesting to watch now that the shoe is on the other foot.  Dean loves control and I wonder how he’s going to react while losing it.

The new Dean/Crowley friendship is enjoyable as well.  Dean seems to know that working with Crowley is a bad idea, but his actions seem to show that he’s enjoying teaming up with him as much as I am watching it.  I wonder how Cas will react when he shows back up in the next episode and sees them working together.  I mean that as in an angel seeing Dean work with a demon, not in a Destiel way.  Although there is that aspect too.

I’m glad Crowley finally seems to be playing his own game.  As much as I hate seeing Dean manipulated Crowley needs to be on his A game to get rid of Abaddon.  Especially with the revelation that Abaddon is creating an army of new demons everyone needs to be focusing on that small task.  Maybe Dean and channel all that rage and love of killing into killing demons.  Maybe.  Hopefully.

I think the biggest unasked questions so far are:  Once Dean kills Abaddon how will Dean get rid of the Mark?  Will he be able to?  I’m assuming the actual Cain isn’t dying to get it back and if he doesn’t take it who will?  Does Crowley want it? Is that part of his end game at this point?  That would be a lot of power for the King of Hell to have.  And does the original Cain have an ulterior motive?

Supernatural: Thinman. Return of the GHOSTFACERS!!


I have been looking forward to this episode ever since I found out that the Ghostfacers were coming back.  Every Ghostfacer episode is on my list of favorites (Hell House, Ghostfacers, and It’s a Terrible Life).  They are wonderful.  Just serious enough to not be completely goofy, but crazy enough to be a caricature of the ghost hunters on reality TV.

So maybe it’s because I was looking forward to this episode so much that I was a little disappointed in it.  Some of the interactions just felt forced.  The scene at the diner didn’t seem threatening to me, I didn’t buy that Dean wouldn’t have followed through with some of his threat of what he’d do if they didn’t leave, and the conversations between the ‘facers just seemed to scream “HEY LOOK AT US WE ARE HAVING THE SAME FIGHT SAM AND DEAN ARE HAVING!!”

There were a few great moments and lines.  So here are some of the awesome moments of the episode.  Let’s glory in the great moments before I get nit picky.


This is what I love about the Ghostfacers.  They are passionate about what they do and want to become famous doing what they love.


I totally pronounce GIF’s JIF– like the peanut butter so Ed can call it whatever he wants.



I include this because Tumblr exploded with this line.  Now there is a GIF for this emotion too!  Haha, seriously though even though this is totally just meant for people who make GIF’s I can’t help but loving it too,


OK THIS.  This scene right here was the best thing out of the whole episode.  Yes they reminded us over and over that the problems that the Ghostfacers were having had great parallels with the issues that Sam and Dean are having, but this moment reminded us of the relationship they used to have.  I miss season 1-6 brotherly love.  I hope Sam took away from this what I did too.  This is a cute story about Sam following Dean’s lead even though it was a terrible idea, but look deeper.  Dean took Sam to the ER alone, on his handlebars, because at age 9 and 5 their dad was out hunting monsters instead of taking care of his family.  As a mother of a 6 and 4 year old I can’t imagine leaving my kids alone to fend for themselves.  They’ve touched on this before, but this is another huge reminder of what a huge loser douchebag John Winchester was.  Sure he was out there saving lives and killing monsters, but what was he doing to his kids in the process?  How can Sam shut Dean out after this reminder?  Sam is all that Dean has and yes he was ready to die, but how could he be surprised that Dean wouldn’t allow that.


Just like I want Sam to stop pouting and fighting with Dean I also want Dean to realize how much he hurt Sam and apologize!  I predict that Dean will get sick, almost die or whatever and Sam will be faced with a similar decision and suddenly understand again what Dean was thinking.  I also think that Dean is going to have to apologize before any progress can be made between the two of them.


I’m wondering if the ease with which Dean killed the Thinman is side effect of the Mark of Cain or if he just doesn’t feel any remorse with killing humans anymore.  I could see it either way and am even a little surprised that Sam brought it up.  They’ve both done their fair share of killing and this instance was completely warranted.  So I guess I’m going to go with the fact that both boys are crazy messed up in the head.

Overall this episode gave both Dean and Sam a lot to think about.  They saw two friends ripped apart by lies and pretty much saw their last argument repeated word for word right in front of them.  I’m going to call bs on a little of this though. Yeah Ed lied to Harry about the Thinman and broke up him and his fiance, but Dean saved Sam’s life!  He trusted an angel that Cas vouched for.  Dean wasn’t trying to break up Sam from a girlfriend because he wanted to hang out with him more.  He was saving him from being killed by a failed mission. Rule #1 is that Dean loves Sam more than his own life.  Period.  Sam once went to crazy lengths too to try to save Dean, but he seems to have forgotten all about that.

So yeah some of the plot felt forced, it wasn’t as scary as I think it could have been (I miss the episodes like Ghostfacer and even the webseries.  Those episodes had the creepy factor not just the prerequisite monster), and they drilled into us the similarities between the ‘facers and the boys instead of keeping it subtle.  However, when it’s all said and done, this was a solid episode and I can’t help but feel that we are moving towards something big.  My hope is that once we get to that something big that we’ll be able to understand these last few episodes a little more.

Supernatural Review: Captives: Another Round of Feels Please.

This post is even later than usual because besides being a mom, a seamstress and going back to the office part time I’ve also decided to become a band manager on the side.  Cause I go to bars?  Or maybe because I’m good at telling other people what to do.  Yep.  That’d be it.  Now back to it:

There are really two stories going on here so we’ll talk about them one at a time.  Let’s talk about Kevin first. Maybe it was all the extra stuff I’ve taken on, but I was completely taken by surprise with Kevin coming back.  Not having time to Google spoilers was quite fantastic in this instance.  So this was me:


and I have stated how messed up I was when Kevin died so I was pretty happy we had some closure on this subject.  Well as much closure as we can have about Kevin still being dead and proving that he was right and they should have gone and looked for him mom sooner. Cause maybe if they’d listened to Kevin for once he would have been able to find his mom before he died. Just sayin’. 

I also see this whole episode as a reminder that Crowley is not good.  Yes he helps the boys out periodically, but he is still, at his core, the King of Hell.  Dean needs this reminder more than any of us right now. I have to say I find it interesting that the same person that was once destined to be Michael’s vessel now has the Mark of Cain and is leaving desperate messages on the King of Hell’s voice mail.  He even defended Crowley to Sam about keeping Mrs. Tran and the others captive (btw– what about the 3rd captive?!) 

Sam and Dean are still on rocky ground and I really think Sam needs to watch out because Dean is going to be faced with killing Sam.  At least that’s my theory.  This time around it won’t be for some noble reason like during the apocalypse.  I was actually kinda thinking that Dean was going to bust out with some new Mark of Cain power or strength when he was being held captive by Crowley’s lackey.  I’m biding my time though because there can’t be some big development like taking on the Mark of Cain without some repercussions and some rewards.  

Yes, they made contact with Kevin, saved Mrs. Tran, killed some low level demon (which way to go Mrs. Tran), and reunited Kevin with his mom until he can cross over (and inexplicably ignored the 3rd.)

So many feels all around and all that, but all my sappy emotions were overshadowed by Sam acting like a 5 year old.  Really Sam?  You can’t make any overtures to mend things between you and Dean?


And what is Sam’s response to the ghost of the person that he technically killed?


He stormed out of the room.  He’s so mature or I’ve never wanted to slap such a handsome man so much in my life.  One or the other.


Now on to Castiel.  We see Cas still on his mission to find Metatron and fix what he messed up.  I was kind of surprised with the speed he was captured by Bartholomew’s guys and I was also surprised that he didn’t have a spare Angel Blade hidden in his coat.  Honestly I was more invested in the Kevin storyline than the Cas one, but I feel like what happened with Cas is going to be really important.   I mean besides the fact that he killed the head evil Angel, he now has followers.  Will he be able to redeem himself after all the things he’s messed up? (Leviathan, killing a ton of Angel’s previously, and then closing Heaven to name a few).  I really hope so.  I love Cas and he is the hero that Heaven needs.  

I think that Cas now has the experience and the restraint to actually be the perfect leader for Heaven.  Using the show’s logic perhaps God was testing Cas this whole time, leading him to this moment.  In real life that’s a horrible idea, but in Supernatural world it makes me excited to see how much Cas has developed since his introduction years ago.


I’ll end this by answering a question that my little brother asked.  Or at least answering it according to Tumblr.  The pink and black iPod (knockoff) that Dean was jamming to at the end with his Beatz by Dre?  You remember that kinda odd random moment?  Tumblr people have theorized that that is Charlie’s iPod and that’s why it’s pink.  I can accept this logic.



Supernatural: The Purge aka The One Where Sam is Mean

“I was just being honest”– Sam, being a douche.

Seriously Sam was nicer when he didn’t have a soul.  He keeps bringing up the fact that he doesn’t want to treat Dean like family anymore and is ignoring all of Dean’s friendly overtures.  I know Dean messed up and even though I don’t think Dean realizes how bad he messed up Sam is totally ignoring the fact that he is coping by drinking too much and not sleeping.  While I think that Dean needs to come to terms with what he’s done Sam just being mean is not the answer.  How can Sam not respond to this:

Dean Puppy eyes


Look at those eyes.  At that sadness.  See Sam was nicer soulless than post- Gadreel.


As far as this episode goes I’m not a huge fan.  The monster is a little odd (although it’d be an awesome monster to have around.  I’d take her home with me like that monster Clark the kids found in the park, in the dark, she would grow and grow) and there was a little more slapstick comedy than I usually go for (remember I’ve said here that do I enjoy the funny episodes).  It was trying to be instead of just being funny and there was a definite lack of badassedness (that’s a word right?) from the boys.  The fight scene in the basement was suspenseful, but the dim light and flashlights distracted me.  My favorite moment from the episode was by far this moment:

The other redeeming scene in this episode was when they finally had a real conversation about Sam’s anger at Dean.  It makes me think that Sam being mean is not only based on the fact that Dean messed up, but also Sam acting out like a little brother that is upset and angry so therefor wants to hurt Dean because he knows he can.  This is a time we really need Bobby to kick some sense into both of them.  And maybe to give Dean a hug.

Cause he needs one.

No matter how many times Sam says he can’t be brothers with Dean anymore (which totally sounds like a playground argument–“You’re not going to be my brother anymore!!”) I don’t believe him.  If it was just a job he wouldn’t have reacted like this when he found Dean passed out:

Sam can say he wouldn’t save Dean and possibly he wouldn’t, but I find it hard to believe that he would turn his back on his brother when it comes down to it.  His brother who went to Hell to save him, his brother who has always been there for him, his brother who I think he sometimes takes for granted.  His brother who I think he will have to save from the Mark of Cain soon.

Another great moment that needs to be mentioned:

Dean eats a mean donut.

Questions that need to be answered:

Where is Castiel and why in the world is Snooki on next week’s episode?



Supernatural: Sharp Teeth. Has Everything Changed?

Sharp Teeth was on the surface a filler episode.  Yeah we had Garth show up and had a twist in his story, but as much as I love Garth I don’t count him as a real main character.  He’s the comic relief of the show. Heaven knows they need some comic relief.  Just 2 seasons ago they were able to spread that around between Bobby, Garth, Cas, Meg, Crowley and Kevin.  Out of that cast they have Cas and Crowley left (sorry, Garth’s episode felt like a goodbye.  I just don’t see a werewolf staying a hunter).  That’s a big burden to put on those actors so I predict a new character to help with said comic relief.  At least I hope so.  Perhaps Cain (and Able?) will provide some dark comedy?

Now if we dig a little deeper I think there are a lot of subtle clues about some big changes going on with Dean.  Dean and Sam have both been losing their humanity bit by bit for seasons now, but Dean took another big step forward.  He is flat out lying to Sam now, not for his own good, but just because he is working alone as much as possible.  Next, did anyone else notice how Dean got it done killing wise.  Knife thrown through the heart? NBD.  Killing a bunch of other werewolves?  It’s all good.


Now don’t get me wrong.  Dean has always been a killing machine, but he seemed especially on point this episode.  My theory is that the Mark of Cain is helping him out.  Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but Sam’s no slouch as a hunter.  Yet in comparison to Dean Sam looked almost inexperienced.  This almost reminds me of Sam back in his demon blood days.  Cold, calculating, and a killer through and through.



Now the monster story in the background (OK maybe foreground) of this episode was interesting, but if Garth hadn’t been involved it would have been just another monster of the week story.  This episode brought the boys back together, said goodbye to Garth (once again– I’m not trying to get rid of Garth, it just seemed like a goodbye episode), and we saw Dean as a confident killer.

What was the most heartbreaking moment of the episode though?  You might think I would say Garth revealing his werewolf issue, but no.  It was this moment:

No one is over Kevin’s death.  Not Sam, or Dean, or me.  Seriously I was depressed for days and still get weepy thinking about it.

Second most feels filled moment:

Sam saying that all their issues have stemmed from them being family broke Dean’s (and my) heart.  Of course Dean had said all this to Sam in the past (not the family stuff, but that he didn’t know who Sam was and couldn’t trust him).

The boys are brothers and no matter how much they try to “just work” that’s not going to happen, but I do hope that perhaps putting all the emotions to the side for a brief moment might allow them to finally move on.  Move on from some of the baggage left over from the bad decisions they have both made over the years.  Was this a game changer episode in disguise as a routine monster of the week episode? Hey, a girl can hope.



Supernatural: First Born aka That time when Dean agreed to [SPOILER]



Ok I’m going to let you look at this photo of Lassie (aka Cain to all of you non Psych watching people— which is a whole ‘nother issue) to give all those people who don’t want to read spoilers to leave.  So enjoy some Carlton and then move along.




All right let me get down to business.  Did Dean just agree to kill Sam? Cause I’m pretty sure he did.  So you have to have the Mark of Cain to use the blade? OK.  Cain got the Mark by agreeing to kill Able?  OK.  Dean just had the Mark transferred to him? Wait, WHAT?

Yeah I’m pretty sure the skipping over the fine print is going to come back to bite him.  Probably sooner rather than later.

So now that we’ve established that Dean is an idiot let’s move on. (Disclaimer: I love Dean. I just think Dean should think through things a little more).

Dean and Crowley got to team up again which, like I have said before , is when I really love Crowley.  Yes, he manipulates the boys into doing what he wants and he’s never really a good guy, but that doesn’t stop him from being an awesome guy.  Cause he is.  Of course Mark Sheppard rocks at most everything.  I enjoyed this teaming up a lot.  Dean was angry, Crowley was snarky, but the whole dynamic was overshadowed to me by the Mark of Cain story line.

Speaking of Cain, Timothy Omundson brought it.  I love him on Psych and was super excited to see him on the previews last week.  If you don’t watch Psych you should. Now.  It’s hilarious, fun, and yet still heartfelt.  I don’t think this is at all the last we will see of Cain and am curious if we will see Able at any point.  This is a character that I’m excited to see more of.  He’s not good and not bad, but has done both very good and very bad things.  Aka my favorite kind of character.

First Born


Sam and Castiel’s staycation was surprisingly great.  I love Sam and I love Castiel, but I can’t say that there are many scenes that just have the both of them that have stuck out. Of course Cas hasn’t had a human experience before this.  Speaking of human experiences the PB&J conversation was so perfect.  He misses being human for reasons that I don’t know that I would have predicted.  Also it’s great to see he still takes so many things literally.

I was really concerned with Sam was calling the shots this go around.  Cas usually goes along with what the boys say and logically it does make sense to extract the Grace no matter what they cost, but I wanted to kiss Cas when he called bs on Sam’s logic.  Shortcuts aren’t always the best way.  Cas might not have seen that before or at least I don’t think he would have realized why he had reservations about Sam’s plan.

I also feel that Sam needed to hear this from someone other than Dean.  He’s so used to hearing Dean manipulate him in an effort to protect that I don’t think that Sam can believe that any plan that is safe is the right way to go.  Sam needs a reason to go on again and I still don’t think he has one.

Well for that matter without Sam Dean doesn’t really have a reason to go on either and right now he thinks he’s lost Sam and Cas.

This season has been pretty amazing and now that I’ve typed all of this I realize that it really hasn’t hit me how bad off the boys are right now.  Sam has gotten rid of the parasite Angel, but is all alone with no will to live, Dean has a healthy brother now, but his brother is (rightfully) crazy pissed off at him, and Cas has a Grace again, but a Grace that seems to have altered him as well as a longing for some of those human experiences that he got used to.  I am loving this season, but I really want them to have some happiness head their way soon.

Supernatural “Road Trip” Is it all Dean’s fault?

These boys don’t know how to let go do they?  OK let me rephrase:  Dean doesn’t know how to let go of Sam.  Season 1 their dad sells his soul to save Dean and leaves Dean wracked with guilt. Then in season 2 Dean sells his soul to bring Sam back from the dead and then they spend a bunch of time trying to fix that.  Oh wait, then his whole “getting dragged to hell” thing caused even more issues.  Yet, while Dean was in Hell and during “Mystery Spot” were the only times that Sam really worked to get Dean back.  My theory? It hurts too much.  Or perhaps Sam has decided it hurts others too much.


Dean’s visit to hell caused the Apocalypse and Sam’s visit to Hell caused him to be a soulless jerk for over a year.  Now his Gadreel possession has cost Kevin Tran his life.  (From the view of the writers though, Kevin had to die in order to get Crowley back out there.  There is no way that Kevin would have agreed to letting Crowley go).  I will say that the desire to stay alive has cost the world and both the boys so much and if I was Sam I’d be questioning this as well. (Now don’t get me wrong– I love this show and don’t want the boys to die, but I can see why they would want to die).

OK getting back to this episode though Kevin is dead, Dean is left to deal with the guilt and clean up the mess.  Then of course make some more mess with a very manly display of anger.  The interactions between Dean and Cas this episode are pretty great though.  It’s nice to see them back together not (really) keeping secrets from each other and working towards a goal.

Cas supports Dean even though really Dean did screw a bunch of crap up. Usually we see Dean in this position.  After all Cas tried to become God and then screwed up even worse by trying to make amends for all the wrong he did.  Which made his comments to Dean mean that much more meaningful.

Dean didn’t really buy it, but it was at least enough to get him working towards a goal again. Which brings us back to Gadreel.

Part of me feels sorry for Gadreel.  He is getting played hardcore by Metatron. I can’t help but think that if Metatron hadn’t come along and fed him a bunch of crap that Gadreel really would have healed Sam and then moved along.  My hope?  That Gadreel will realize how full of it Metatron is and will take him out.  That would slightly make up for what he has done to Dean, Sam and Kevin.  Slightly. Just a tiny bit.

Surely he has to be second guessing his choices.  I predict that killing his friend will eat away at him and this will start him on the road to take down Metatron. After all who can forget this face?

Moving on.  I loooooove, love, love Crowley as the good bad guy and it looks like we are going to see even more of this.  On a side note I think this show does an amazing job with the image of the demon and angel possessions.  This moment was pretty cool to watch:

and also this line:

Look at Dean, trying so hard to make it right, yet still get his way.  I never had a doubt that as soon as Sam realized what was going on that he would be able to kick Gadreel out.  I wonder if now that he’s not possessed if he will be able to shed light on Gadreel’s real personality and if he will remember what Metatron did  and said to control him.  The boys break ups never lasts too long so I’m sure we’ll find out soon.

I will also be judging how Sam handles what Dean did and what Dean said when he left him.  Dean would have gotten angry, stormed off, and then gone and found Sam again and done whatever it took to make sure that he was OK.  Will Sam walk away and leave Dean to his depression?  They are obviously back together by the next episode, but I wonder who initiated that contact.

Now to address the Crowley/Abaddon dynamic. All I will say is Crowley will crush her and I will enjoy watching every second.  Anyone that says otherwise is selling something.

I also enjoyed this graphic:


This season is such a huge improvement over season 8 that it makes me super excited to see what is coming next and I can’t even express how excited I am to see that Tahmoh Penikett looks like he is going to be back for a while.  I loved him on Dollhouse (and Smallville) and am excited to see what he brings to Gadreel.  I know we are going to be introduced to Cain (as in Cain and Able) this season AND they are planning a spin off around episode 20 (which makes me half excited and half apprehensive).  I think we are going to keep seeing this season get better and things are always better when Crowley is helping them out.

Is it Tuesday yet?

Top 10 Moments from Supernatural’s Holy Terror

BEFORE YOU CONTINUE!  I have a few things to disclose.  First off there will be a ton of spoilers in this post so if you haven’t watched yet– STOP.  OK and the next thing is that this really isn’t a top 10 list.  Don’t get me wrong.  I will use numbers and list things, but I make no promises on either getting to 10 or limiting myself to 10.  As long as we’re clear on that.

Since I’m not sticking to the list rules we’ll start with 1.

1.  I feel Dean’s frustration.  He tried to save Sam (again) and it’s (of course) not going as planned. All he wants is Sam whole.  But how long has it been since Sam was truly whole?  I’m going to say college.  I would like to preference my next statement with this:  I love this show and don’t want Sam to die.  However, I have been rewatching the series again and Dean goes through this whole, “what’s dead should stay dead” phase and now he’s totally not playing by those rules.  Dean should have let Sam go.  Sam was ready, Sam wanted to be free.  I feel like this is less about saving and taking care of Sam and more about Dean not having to be alone.  (Once again although that’s how he should have been I need Sammy just as much as Dean does.) End of series finale prediction: At the end of Supernatural Season 15 Sam and Dean go through with a suicide pact.  One that kills a ton of demons and angels at the same time.

2. I also feel for Sam.  Think about it.  He’s missing time, he doesn’t remember how he got places, this is a legitimate concern he should have.  After all this wouldn’t be the first time he lost it mentally.  Just a few years ago Sam had Satan riding shotgun and before that he was running around soulless doing some cold heartless things.  Also his look when Dean says, “would I lie?” breaks my heart.  Yes, Dean would lie, yes Same knows he would and yes Dean is lying.  I miss when they trusted each other (that may have also been back when Sam was in college). Sam, we love you.

3. Now on to Zeke, or Gadriel or whatever he’s calling himself these days.  I think most of us had a suspicion that Zeke wasn’t really Zeke, or if he was Ezekiel something had changed him and he was no longer the good guy that Cas vouched for.  As long as I’m sympathizing with people though I must say I sympathize with Gadriel too.  If he’s been locked up since the snake got into the garden he has no way of knowing what’s going on.  I understand how he could trust God’s scribe.  Speaking of Metatron he is doing a bang up job of manipulating Gadriel.  Just enough reminders of why he was punished in the first place and then offering him redemption.  Redemption. It’s the same way he got to Cas. I wanted to scream when Gadriel said this to Dean:

OK Sam and Dean are pretty much the only 2 safe characters in this show and by safe I mean if they die they probably won’t stay dead long.  Still though, even if (when) they get Sam back he is going to be sooooooo angry and hurt.  What Dean did to save Sam has now hurt people they love.  Sam doesn’t really like that kinda stuff.

4. Cas. Cas, Cas, Cas.  I am both really glad that Cas got his/a grace back so that he can assist with everything now and really loving the skills that he has picked up or refined during his stint as a human.  As awesome as it was to see him escape from all the evil angels I was saddened by the fact that lying comes so easily to him now.  He didn’t even hesitate slitting Theo’s throat open to get his grace and instead of healing the vessel he killed (I feel like smote is a better term for that) him.  I am glad that he has proven that he can survive on his own though.  As much as I love how much he works with the boys, he is somewhat like a overly dependent girlfriend.  He has just waiting around for direction from the boys and I’m glad that he’s finally decided that he can handle himself.  I think that maybe he actually can.

This is a new self confident Cas that we’ve seen question Dean’s decisions.  It’s been a long time since he’s had direction and motivation all on his own.  I’m excited to see where this goes.  Cause this is a Cas I can get behind– this is the Cas that should have taken over Heaven (maybe he will again??)

5.  I just have a tiny bit to say about Crowley.  First off why hasn’t Dean gotten him to help from the beginning?!?! No I don’t trust Crowley, yes he’s done horrible things, but seriously at some point you have to realize, “everything is going to hell, but wait, I have the King of Hell locked up– lets use him!”  Next I wonder how different he will be after being partially cured.  Will he be able to torture Gadriel with the same enthusiasm that he normally would have?  That’s pretty much all I have about him, other than the fact that I love Mark Sheppard and am glad he will have a bigger part after the break.


6. Metatron.  Yeah I can’t even.  Nope.  Don’t like you.  I hope Cas is the one that kills you. The end.


Kevin. Freakin’. Solo.  I have loved Kevin since we met him.  I loved his homework timer, his obsession with getting perfect scores, his high stress life and I even loved that he had a kinda, but not really, girlfriend that was just as crazy (way to go Kev).  When I think of Kevin Tran I think of this kid:

Osric Chau has done an amazing job not only bringing Kevin to life, but he truly seems to love the Supernatural family.  I find that awesome.  I love reading his tweets because he seems to truly understand what Twitter is for unlike some other celebrities (little known fact: it is in fact not there to sell products or as a pulpit to preach from).  Kevin has had his life turned upside down and then sideways, but he has worked hard to fight against evil.  He was a 100% good souled character which isn’t easy to find in this show.  Dean, Sam, and Cas (as well as all the other characters that are now gone) manipulate and lie to get what they want or think they want.  Even though they are good guys in our eyes they have hurt plenty of people along the way.  Kevin wasn’t like that.  Kevin wanted to take down the enemy, but he didn’t manipulate.  I hate Metatron for using Gadriel to do this and I hate that Gadriel fell for it.  I just hope that before Crowley finishes with him Gadriel realizes what he’s done.  Kevin Tran you will be missed.

And we won’t forget you.


(all of these GIF’s are from Tumblr.  Amazing people made them and they are not me).