Supernatural: The Devil in the Details. So where’s Adam again?

Lucifer came back! We finally get to see him and Sam together again and they still ignore the third brother. But first let’s recap.

Crowley in PJ’s

We start this episode out with a weird dream sequence where whoever was shopping for Crowley bought his present at Game Stop evidently. I could practically hear all the Dean/Crowley shippers groan when he got a Sam doll not a Dean doll. However it was cute to see this scene and then awesome to see Lucifer team up with Rowena. Not that I like Rowena, but Lucifer an awesome bad guy to have around.

Meanwhile back in Hell

Sam and Lucifer have been hanging out since before Christmas (OK I know is Supernatural time it’s not been that long, but you know what I mean). One of the biggest questions I had at that episode is still unanswered though. Lucifer is in the cage. . .alone?

Anyway Lucifer taunts Sam. Sam fights back. Lucifer tries to get Sam to hate his family. Then cue flashbacks.

Also cue a pull at the feels.

Lucifer points out every crappy plot device ever.

On their wild trip through Sam’s memory we get to see a short memory of Sam looking cool kid to some girl. Then they make out. Somehow this shows how Sam used to make up his own mind.

Then switch to a flashback of the cemetery scene when Sam goes to Hell and takes Adam/Michael with him. AKA the best episode ever.

Lucifer also takes him to see his mistake with Amelia. I don’t agree with what Lucifer says about being indecisive, but  I agree Amelia was a horrible boring character and this storyline didn’t make  sense at all while watching it and doesn’t make any more sense the second time around. Yes I think Sam feels guilty for not looking for Dean, but I blame Amelia on the writers not on Sam.

Crowley and Rowena

Crowley has realized what Rowena did and is threatening her again. I miss my BA King of Hell that so would have killed her forever ago or at least tortured her a bunch. Rowena professes her love and adoration for Lucifer and explains how great everything will be when he’s out. I’m so happy Crowley pointed out that she’s still falling for some line from a guy. Which we find out later is what happened when she had Crowley too.

The Adventures of Dean and Cas

After the best voicemail messages ever Dean and Castiel are pulled over on the side of the road while Dean pukes. Evidently smiting makes people sick so he can’t go check out the site where they tried to kill The Darkness so Dean leaves and Cas goes it alone. (Which is a good idea right?)

Cas goes and searches the area and finds hipster millennial angel that I for a while suspected was a bad guy, but turns out she was just an idiot. Meanwhile Dean goes to Hell and has to sing Camptown Races for some reason to get in.

However he doesn’t do it as well as the guys on Blazing Saddles:

If you’re unaware of what Blazing Saddles is– I’m sorry and I pity you.

Dean gets a witch catcher from the Reaper Billie who has it out for the boys and takes the stairs. I wish that Dean had had a few sick moments going down as well. After all he spent years in Hell and it’s not really a good memory for him.

Crowley takes the witch catcher from Dean, is overheard by Rowena, but Crowley had a backup, or original plan–whatever–and she is drugged and is easily captured.

Cas finally finds Amara and she makes it obvious he’s no match for her and she sends him to Hell to deliver a message. (I do wonder did he do what she wanted or did he do what he did in defiance of her?) She does have a weird almost fainting spell after she sends him off though so maybe her eating the hipster angel hurt her.

Avengers Assemble

Lucifer is still trying to convince Sam (and I don’t want to believe that Gabriel is dead no matter what Lucifer says). What I don’t think Lucifer sees though is that Sam had hope that God was helping and finding out that that was Lucifer all the time I feel like has squashed all hope from Sam. If God isn’t going to help he’s only going to trust Dean and Dean wouldn’t ever want him to say Yes to Satan. (Love the move to L.A. and solve crimes comment though from Lucifer).

For once Sam realized that making a choice to work with a super bad guy will only end badly (too bad Cas didn’t get that memo).

Lucifer begins to hurt Sam so in runs Cas and and Dean and they get sucked in too–so that Lucifer can start hurting them too.  Great ideas all around.

While Dean is checking on Sam and letting him know they just need to hold on for a few minutes Cas is over in the corner making stupid decisions, but to everyone else it looks like Rowena succeeds and Lucifer is gone.

Dean I actually did the right thing for once.

They leave Hell, slightly worried about the odd acting Cas (which of course when is he not odd?). Crowley and Rowena have a creepy love/hate conversation which Cas interrupts to tell everyone SURPRISE! He’s really Lucifer. My question for this is– if other angels could hold Lucifer why didn’t they do that the last go round? Or will Cas burn up like the last vessel?

Thankfully Rowena gets her neck snapped and appears to be dead– which looks a little too easy, but hopefully is true and then Cas/Lucifer sits down to have a talk with Crowley.

Cas lucifer.gif

Will Lucifer/Cas really be able to defeat Amara? Is she already hurt? Will Dean have to die to allow Amara to die? How amazing will Misha Collins be as yet another person in the same body? Will Mark Pellegrino show back up? Cause I really love him as Lucifer– it’d be nice if we saw him and Cas fighting each other– in Cas’s head. Or does Cas even have a head now? Is he gone or is he still in his body too?

Most importantly– will anyone remember that they still have a brother locked up in the cage with now just Michael? Might as well let him out now too.