Supernatural: The Executioner’s Song. The One Where I Was Sadly Proven Correct


So a while back I made this prediction about Dean when he took on the Mark. This seems like a huge thing for everyone to be ignoring. The Mark of Cain came from one brother killing another so if Dean has the Mark. . .

However up to this point Cain gave Dean the Mark and then took a hike. Yeah they talk about him every now and then, but they’ve avoided this one huge point. We start this episode finally getting to see him again and we see him killing a horrible nasty murderer on death row. So far I don’t have many issues with that. Plus Cain looks pretty amazing. Life off the farm has done him well. His hair alone is pretty fabulous.

So we now have a mystery to solve, but more importantly we have a reason for Dean and Cain to meet up again.

Cut to Crowley and Mom. Rowena is definitely trying to manipulate Crowley still. I don’t quite get her end game. She’s causing issues in his court, but if he is weakened she will also be weakened. She needs to die. . .soon, but I’ll come back to that later. She tries to get Crowley to kill her enemies for her and even though he sees through it he still seems like he’s going to do it. She also does her best to cause strife between the Winchesters and him. Which isn’t that hard since their working relationship has never been smooth sailing.

Meanwhile Sam and Dean have figured out that Cain is killing whole families and while they are telling that to Cas Cain shows up. Once again I really like Cain. He’s killing people like crazy, but unlike other crazed demons we’ve seen in seasons past he’s not killing because he’s enjoying it. He’s killing because he sees it as his duty. And he doesn’t want to kill people that aren’t on his list of descendants. BTW that would be so many people. That long ago his descendants would be a crazy amount of people. Which they touch on, but still— so many people. One might even say that he’s on a mission from God, Blues Brother’s Style.

Finally the boys figure out where Cain is headed next and they prepare for a battle between Dean and Cain. They do this by pulling Crowley in to help (and by lying to him in the process which just help’s out Rowena’s case) and by using some misdirection to trap him. Long story short he is trapped and Dean comes in to finish him off.

This is where it gets interesting. Cain puts up a good fight, but is it just me or does his heart not seem in it. I’m just saying with the power we’ve seen from Cain it seems like he should have been able to make short work of Dean. So maybe he just wanted to talk to Dean before getting him to take his life. Cain has lost his family, his love, and now his humanity again. The only way he can control himself is to live in isolation. I don’t blame him for wanting all of that to end. So even though the boys have won this fight I don’t think they were ever meant to lose it. Cain seems almost bored with this turn of events.

But what he revealed is what is most important. He finally said what I’ve worried about all this time. Dean taking on the Mark means that he will eventually kill Sam. What I found interesting is that Cain states that Dean will kill Crowley first, then Castiel, then finally Sam, So here’s my new prediction: Crowley is about to die. Once Dean kills him it will cause Dean to panic and really try to find a cure (which they already know if they would just think hard). Other reasons I think Crowley is about to dies are: the writers don’t seem to know what to do with Crowley these days. He’s not near the bad guy he used to be and with his control over demons that whole storyline has kind of fallen to the wayside.Also Rowena is undermining his power which will come to no good end.

As much as I don’t want Crowley to die it feels like the way things are moving.

Although I’m sure it was detrimental to Dean’s mental health to kill Cain I feel like it was more because he wanted to believe that he could keep the Mark under control and everything that happened up in that loft told him that he was doomed to go down the same horrible path that Cain had gone down.

Sam is really worried about Dean now so maybe he really does see the writing on the wall.  I know Sam will do everything he can to help Dean so hopefully he’ll get Rowena or Crowley to cast a less extreme age spell on Dean to get rid of this curse.

I can only hope.

What do you think? Will Dean kill Crowley? Will they finally put together the answer that is right in front of their face?

Supernatural: Halt and Catch Fire. The One Where They Forget How to Fix Dean.

There are many things I love about this episode and probably an equal number of things that frustrate me. Last week we found out how to cure Dean, but evidently no one but me picked up on that. Now the boys are still moodily trying to find a cure and hunting down Cain for help.

So other than the fact that they are ignoring the oblivious answer to fixing the Mark I thought this was a good monster of the week episode. After all we haven’t had a killer truck for a bunch of seasons!  And this one wasn’t even racist. We get to see the navigation system take over and kill the crappy boyfriend which kind of is my nightmare. Not really that my navigation system is going to kill me, but more that it will talk back to me one day. It doesn’t seem too thrilled when it has to recalculate.

The boys find the truck and make short order of it and since it happens so easily and quickly we know that’s totally not the bad guy.

Enter in basic white sorority girl that seems to be having fun screwing her way through college. We soon find out that someone is sending her messages online “I Know What You Did Last Summer” style which, of course, freaks her out. This chick reminds me of early 2000 Brittney Spears so I wasn’t too sad when her power cord came to life and strangled her.

It’s been a while since we had some comedy (other than Dean restraining himself around co-eds). Therefore we have a scene that informs Dean that deleting his Internet history isn’t doing what he thinks it’s doing. Plus he eats a lot of food. Then Sam who hasn’t seen the answer to their Mark problem somehow figures out what the random 810 message on sorority girl’s computer means. They just happen to be in front of the house with the address that has 810 in it to see a woman walk across the street to throw away a bunch of flowers on a telephone pole. Fun Fact: this woman is the same actress and the same name as the woman in season 9 that finds the invisible guy in the women’s locker room (remember the teddy bear doctor episode– if you don’t go watch it again now. It’s one of my favorites).

OK I’m going to take a moment to talk about Dean’s ogling of girls in this episode. I’ve seen a lot of complaining about how this is out of character for Dean or how they are just trying to cram down our throats that Dean is straight. OK seriously people when this season started out Dean was sleeping with some chick he’d met in a nasty bar and just last episode he was trying to pick up Tina. He didn’t hit on her after she became a teen, but she was a teen! I don’t care that he was a teen for a moment too because he was still thinking as an adult and would have seen that she looked like a young girl. Also as much as I enjoy some Destiel fun it’s not real. We have made all that crap up in our heads. So don’t get mad when Dean doesn’t act like he’s pining away for Cas.

OK back to this episode:

The wife talks about her husband’s horrific death and the acts confused when Sam questions her about anything odd. So obviously this totally has something to do with what’s going on.

Switch back to some more college kids talking about their big secret. Boy wants to keep the secret and Girl (basic white girl’s roommate) wants to come clean before they get in more trouble. Boy is a super douche and shortly gets his brain liquefied by his loud music (cause that is totally a normal way to kill someone). Still no big loss yet.

Delilah (last standing sorority girl) finally breaks down and tells the boys what happened and what exactly 810 means. Turns out that a few months ago all the victims and her had been driving around while texting and checking Facebook which caused another car to crash into a telephone pole. Instead of stopping to help the guy they drive off afraid of the consequences of driving in a suspended licence. While driving away they see that a power line fell on the car catching it on fire and killing the guy inside. OK I totally believe that would happen. College kids are idiots. She has been wracked with guilt since the incidence and feels relieved at actually being able to admit what she was a part of.

The boys go to work trying to figure out how to vanquish this ghost who has been cremated and they can’t figure out how he’s holding on. Sam goes off to try to figure it out while Dean stays to protect Delilah. It comes to light that the telephone pole was connected to an Internet tower and so the ghost is travelling through wifi.

While Sam is working Dean and Delilah have  a hear to heart chat about how to cope with doing bad things. Dean is somehow both horrible and great at this.

 Way to go Dean, recommend excessive drinking and repression. It seems to be working for him right now though. This is the happiest I’ve seen Dean in a long time. Well after this interlude of feels Sam realizes that they need to get away from all wireless signals to protect Delilah. So yeah about that. . .there’s a lot of wireless devices. When the image of the dead man starts showing up on all her devices Dean does the calm rational thing– and hits them all with his crowbar. He evidently had never heard of unplugging and removing the batteries. Then $4000 in damage later they abandon her room to hide out in the basement only to be cornered by a cell phone that had been lost in the couch cushions.

Never fear!  Sam is to the rescue with a short talk with the widow of the ghost he gets her to talk to her dead husband– Facetime style– saving Dean just in time and allowing her husband to move on.

The big thing that I don’t understand is the wife’s openness to meet with Delilah at the end of the episode. I know that Delilah was feeling bad, but I don’t know that I could be nice to the chick that caved to peer pressure instead of saving my husband. Of course having my husband go psycho killer ghost might help with the healing process.

The boys round out the episode with a heart to heart in the Impala about how Dean wants to stop looking for a cure and he just wants to live his life. Pretty sure you’ve already figured out a cure a hell of a lot easier than finding Cain, but sure whatever. I am glad that Dean seems to be coping and happy.

I would have found this so much more touching if the obvious solution wasn’t right in front of their faces.

Next week: Cain is back!  And makes Dean look super sane and well adjusted.

Supernatural: About a Boy– The One Where We Figured Out How to Fix Dean.


I feel like I have done nothing but praise this season, but it deserves it. Season 7 had some issues and with the exception of Kevin Tran Season 8 was sketchy. So I was happy when Season 9 looked to be turning it around, but remained slightly skeptical. Had this show gone on too long? Had they killed all the bad guys and needed to call it quits? OK don’t leave me on that statement. I love this show– maybe a little too much, but shows deserve to have an ending to work towards. I would rather a show end earlier than I’d like and end well than drag out and become a farce (ahem– Charmed and Suits I’m looking at you). As much as I didn’t want this show to end I hated that the show seemed to be losing it’s way.

Well Season 10 has been everything I could have hoped. Are there still storylines that I don’t like? Yes, but there are so many more things that I love so I can overlook the fact that Metatron hasn’t had his spine ripped out yet.

So back to this week’s episode– when I saw the preview I was slightly skeptical of how they would work out Dean being a teenager again, but Dylan Everett delivered the goods once again. I spoke my praises of him before and I stand by those. Dylan IS a young Dean. Yeah he looks like Jensen, but that’s not all he becomes Dean.

In this episode we see big boy Dean struggling with the Mark and what he did to Charlie. He’s obsessed (as he likes to be) and is trying to find a way to remove the Mark. It’s obviously not going well and Sam finds a case to help distract him. Can I say once again how glad I am that the boys are working together again and not hiding things or angry with each other?  Cause it’s awesome to see them bicker and fight like brothers instead of really tearing each other apart.

As someone with 4 brothers this is real life. Nothing is ever forgotten– especially if it’s embarrassing.

Dean reluctantly agrees to work the case– and begins to pick up a chick of course (a woman that obviously doesn’t belong in that dive bar. I’ve been in bars like that (for research purposes of course) and women that hang out in bars like that during the day have a more rode hard and put up wet look).  Thinking he was washing out in the bar he is about to leave when he realizes said girl is about to get abducted herself and of course tries to save her. Yeah that doesn’t turn out so well.

Turns out the bad guys aren’t killing the people they take (right away), but turning them into little kids and locking them up in a scary basement. Enter Dylan Everett.

After some witty remarks between little Dean and Tina we switch back to Sam’s search for Dean. Here’s probably my favorite moment of this episode. We get a glimpse at Scary Sam that I’ve kinda missed here lately. Sam struggled with the darkness inside of himself for so long and has finally gotten it so under control that it’s easy to forget that he was once a demon blood drinking psycho. But here’s my boy:

Sam, who is an ask questions first kill later, kinda guy doesn’t waste time with this guy and goes straight to the knocking skulls mode. I love Scary Sam (when it comes to protecting family).

Of course Dean escapes and finds Sam and hilarity ensues. As well as some dramatic tension of course.


Which is all hilarious, but we did learn this one super important thing:

OK so the problem’s fixed!  The Mark is gone. Obviously even though Dylan is doing an amazing job as Dean they aren’t going to replace Jensen so we know this fix isn’t going to last, but just remember this huge plot development for later.

Next they arrive at the scary witch’s house and this happens:

OK sorry that has nothing to do with major plot development, but come on that’s funny. And totally what guys would say to each other no matter how serious the situation.

They corner the creepy dude that is nabbing the people and he plays the “the witch is controlling me card” and the guys think he’s on their side. So of course after they find out how to get Dean back to his real age they go in guns blazing to save Tina and kill the witch. Which goes well.

The witch, who is played by Lesley Nicol (Downton Abbey), turns out to be Gretel (as in Hansel and Gretel and as in the sister of creepy dude that they thought was on their side) and plans to eat them all. During her bad guy tirade she lets it drop that she’s in America to take care of Rowena for the Grand Coven. Dean’s knowledge of Rowena throws her off her game which gives the boys the opening that they were looking for.

Sam attacks Hansel and then moves on to the witch while Dean tussles with Hansel. During the fight Dean manages to grab the hex bag that was around Hansel’s neck (which turned him young) and turns himself back into an adult. Then, as you do, he shoved the bag into Gretel’s mouth and shoved her in the fire to burn alive. Yay, the guys have saved the day, saved the girl (who looks forward to being able to get a do over on life) and sends her on her way with some cash.

But wait lets go back to that Grand Coven thing.

So we know now that the Grand Coven wants Rowena, we know where to find Rowena and we know that there is a witchy fix for Dean’s problem. Throwing Dean back into his 14 year old body got rid of the Mark so if Dean can just got back to his body from right before he got the Mark then he will still (mostly) be the same age and be Mark free. Done! No trials, no need to ever see Metatron again and minimal working with the bad guys to fix this.

So now they just need to find the Grand Coven and make a deal. Yeah that’s fraught with issues of it’s own, but I’d rather work with witches than demons or angels at this point. They’ve made a couple witch friends so they might can even skirt the Grand Coven, but they probably won’t go that route. Now I’m just wondering how long before they put all this together on the show (hopefully just next week).

I love how optimistic Dean is and I love how much Sam just wanted his big brother back.

Of course I can’t write all of this without mentioning the thing that Dean admitted to that is a dirty little secret in so many of our own lives. That dirty, filthy secret is: it’s hard to not jam out to some Taylor Swift these days.