The Top Truths Revealed in Supernatural: There’s No Place Like Home.

I’m not going to throw out catchy phrases like, “We’re not in Kansas anymore” or any comments on Oz in general. Truth be told I thought in Oz storyline was an odd addition and was actually happy that it appeared that Charlie’s story was over. I felt her story was becoming a little forced, but after this episode I take it all back. Charlie was back and brought with her all the things I loved about her in the beginning– plus some.

Here are the most truthful, beautiful moments of this episode:

Dark Charlie — I thought Dark Charlie was perfect. Yeah she was a crazy psycho who like to kill, but the boys kinda are too and I love them too. Dark Charlie and Mark Of Cain Dean were pretty much made for each other. It made me pretty nervous when they were somewhat hanging out together. I was afraid that he was going to accept his dark side and run off with her (not romantically– but I like to kill people too kinda way). They somewhat surprised me by actually needing the key to fix her. I kinda expected the good and bad Charlies to combine after good Charlie killed someone. Even though it was a good act– killing is still damaging to the soul.

There were some awesome one liners — Wouldn’t hurt a Hobbit. Should have known Rocket and Groot would track me down. I even got my own little sword. Blah, blah, blah repressed feelings, blah, blah blah passive aggression.

Let’s just say the writers were golden this time around.

For Dean, the struggle is real— seriously he almost loses it numerous times. With the DA that Charlie has tortured, with the shot in the bar, when he was fighting outside with Dark Charlie. I’m over him being evil so I was so proud of Dean for holding it together. I’m happy that it looks like they are actually working together to find a solution to their problems. I think seeing Dark Charlie actually helped Dean realize how much it hurts others when someone you love is out of control. I’m also glad that it looks like Charlie will be hanging around trying to help. Maybe now they’ll be able to get somewhere with Charlie, Cas, Dean AND Sam all looking for the fix.

Dean on a diet is just like me on a diet— I have friends that drink protein shakes and haven’t looked at a burger and a coke in years. Well I’m proud of them, but any time I’m eating healthy food I’m just thinking about how good a bbq bacon cheeseburger with a large Dr. Pepper would be. Cause delicious is what it is. I know in real life Jensen Ackles is probably on a strict diet and exercise regime, but I love that fictional Dean struggles like anyone else. You can tell me that kale is delicious– but I’m sorry– it smells like a fart.

Charlie stealing Baby was a thing of beauty— If there is anything that would push Dean to the edge it’s someone messing with his car. So of course that’s what she did. Of course.

So now we get to wait until we see what goodness the rest of the season will bring. And it looks like Charlie will be right there helping them.

Supernatural: The Hunter Games. Which characters are coming back and which ones need to leave.


Well we’ve had a lengthy break so of course this episode involves a lot of set up for the rest of the season. What we got was a tease for who might be coming back, who already surprisingly is back, and I also was reminded of people I want to die already.

Who’s back

Metatron. OK he also classifies as someone that I’m ready to die.  He’s back right now in all his horrible glory. I’m a little unclear on why they’ve been keeping him alive. I also can’t help but think that he had Dean bring back the First Blade, not to remove the Mark ,but to corrupt him more. It definitely looked like he was trying to get Dean to kill him or at least seriously hurt him to make the Mark’s influence grow even more. I second Dean’s motion though. All in favor say aye

Aren’t they dead already?

Rowena. Why is Crowley keeping her around? This relationship is confusing me. He seems to see right through her crap, yet allows her access to the underworld and plays right into her traps. I’m guessing she’ll be around for a while messing with Crowley and trying to take him down. Although I can’t understand her motivation for that either. If he’s no longer in charge she will be made vulnerable. Why can’t she hang out with Dean for a while? That’d end amazingly.

My only thought could be that he’s looking for a reason that she left him. But really I think the answer is easy. She’s heartless and never cared about him. Finally why would he tell the boys where his bones are? For the story I know Rowena needed to know, but that seems like something that Crowley won’t share with anyone after Bobby tried to burn his bones.

Shouldn’t she run away again?

Claire. OK I get that she’s a misunderstood teen that has had a crappy life, but I’m done with her whining. She’s trying to manipulate everyone around her and can’t figure out that Castiel is trying to help her. I know that Castiel’s advent into her life was the end of all that is normal and can see why she is bitter. Still doesn’t make me not tired of her character. I think I would have liked her more if she had joined them in the bunker and was fighting evil with them. Right now all she’s managed to do is distract everyone and almost get people killed. And evidently air all their dirty laundry to nasty hobos. How were those weirdos not scared by her story about Randy and her dad?

She does speak some truth here though.

Who’s coming back

Charlie. OK we know for sure that Charlie will be back next episode. Assuming this isn’t some dream or hallucination that means that she’s back from Oz and for some reason wants to hurt Dean. Obviously hurting Dean right now is a bad idea all around. First of all it doesn’t help Dean trying to get rid of the Mark and secondly he might accidentally kill Charlie with all the emotions from the Mark running through him. I’m interested to see where this is going.

Cain? I really hope so. I love the actor that plays Cain (Timothy Omundson who played Detective Lassiter in Psych) and I want to see him come back. Sam brings up valid points though that Cain has been living in the woods eating corn for years without going on killing sprees so it is possible to live with it. My thoughts are though that Dean is not really going to be able to be a hunter AND have the Mark. If this was the last season I might would think that this was their way to end the series without killing them off.  I also wonder why they haven’t gone to talk to Cain yet. Surely he makes more sense to talk to over Metatron.

I’ll have to just let the image of Cas texting to hold me over until next week.