What happens when I decide to make a Pilgrim costume for my child? Well. . .

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Hester Prynne

Hester Prynne

I embroider a red A to her chest and take photos of her with her baby doll. Because that’s normal. Hopefully when she get to high school and reads The Scarlet Letter she will find this amusing and not reason for therapy.

On a sewing note I used Simplicity 3725 and it was super easy and went together well. You know, just in case you need an Hester Prynne costume a pilgrim costume for your kid.

3 thoughts on “What happens when I decide to make a Pilgrim costume for my child? Well. . .

  1. Found this page because my kid’s school said she had to dress as the Letter A for a play they are doing. My mind immediately went Scarlet Letter and I wondered if I was a bad person, or if there were others who thought to dress toddlers as Hester!

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